Moments of Happiness-About "When Happiness Comes Knock on the Door"

Isac 2021-10-13 13:05:30

In the early morning of the New Year’s Eve, I pulled out the film "When Happiness Knocked on the Door" and started watching it silently.

There are no beautiful actors in the movie, no fancy editing, and no wonderful soundtrack... But there is a good story, a good story enough to make me sit in front of the computer and watch it and be moved by it.

Stories with inspirational themes are probably all in this pattern: distress, hard struggle, endless misfortunes, and then a glimmer of opportunity... finally ushered in a dawn. It is meaningless to demand that such a film be novel and surprising. We will be rejoiced because the people who struggled eventually succeeded, precisely because it is difficult for us to persevere.

The background of the movie is San Francisco, USA in 1981, which is exactly the head of the economic downturn in the United States. In the film, a background introduction was made through a speech by President Reagan on the TV. Reagan said: "I met with a reporter a few days ago and he asked me to do a'comprehensive audit' of the current economic situation." He said: " You won't like it, and I don't like it either." Because at the time the United States was facing nearly $80 billion in debt that was out of control.

In the United States at the time, the unemployment rate was about 10.7% per month, which is scary enough.

The actor in the film, CHRIS GARDENER (played by WILL SMITH) is a salesman who is struggling to run in such an environment. CHRIS promotes a medical scanner that is a little more precise than X-rays. However, the product is expensive and impractical, and its sales are not smooth. So no matter how hard CHRIS works, he can't make his wife and son live a comfortable life. Bills and rent, tax bills and fines... Just as he was in a state of exhaustion, his wife also left him. At that time, he had just had the opportunity to work as an intern at an investment company called "Werther".

His wife’s words chilled him. She said: “From a salesman to an intern is a step backwards.” CHRIS could only murmur: “No, it’s not.”

I saw CHRIS from my father at the age of 28 . He had set up a volunteer, hoping to be a good father, so he discussed with his wife to insist on taking the son by himself, and the son is his spiritual pillar.

Since then, CHRIS has spent every difficult day and night with his son.

CHRIS eventually grew into a professional investor in a fiercely competitive securities company. I was touched by a few details:

1. It was a trivial matter that prompted him to enter this industry. One day when he was passing by a securities company, he saw securities. With a smile on the face of the people in the industry, he said that at that moment, he really saw a kind of knowing smile.

——I guess, that kind of inspiring thing is called interest.

2. CHRIS always creates opportunities for himself and strives to get an interview opportunity. Including coming to submit the application in person, deliberately saying that he was on the same road with the person in charge and sitting in the same taxi to talk about his characteristics and strengths, which gave him the opportunity to show off his familiar Rubik's Cube he played at home. (I checked, it turns out that Rubik’s Cube is really a toy that emerged in Europe and the United States from 1980 to 1982. It was originally a mechanical educational toy invented by Hungarian architecture professor and sculptor Erno Rubik in 1974. Later Popular all over the world.) ——One

day I also discovered that no matter what kind of skill, even the most trivial skill, it will come in handy.

3. After getting an interview opportunity, CHRIS was detained by the police for parking a fine. Before that, he was ordered to move out of the house by the landlord. He could only delay paying rent by one week by painting the walls by himself. So when he appeared in front of interviewers in suits and leather shoes while still wearing paint-stained work clothes, he said that he had been thinking about how to tell a lie to explain why he appeared in front of the examiners with such a face, but in the end he still Can only tell the truth. When the interviewer asked, if you were an examiner, why would you admit someone with paint on his clothes? CHRIS lowered his head and sighed and said, "It must be because he has a pair of beautiful pants."

-Knowing self-deprecation is a precious quality.

4. CHRIS has to pick up children from school every day, so it has to work harder than other competitors to buy time to contact potential customers. He said he would not stop hanging up the phone, would not go to the water dispenser to drink water-so he would not have to go to the toilet, he desperately squeezed out every minute to compete with others.

——The cruel competition is reflected in every minute you experience.

5. When every day when he is burdened with trivial things such as serving tea and water for the office manager, going out to buy takeaways, etc., CHRIS will also think: "I feel I can do something more valuable."

——Everyone is not satisfied I always think this way, I can do something more valuable, but for now, let's do it well.

6. While playing basketball with his son, CHRIS said: "If you have a dream, you must protect it...whatever you want, you must work hard to get it."

——Equal emphasis on passion and action.

7. CHRIS often said such a sentence: "That is a part of my life..." including "taking a bus, running..." There is also a small moment, that is part of his life, called "happiness" ".

——For such a LITTLE PART, just because of IT'S CALLED HAPPINESS, even if it is momentary, all efforts are worthwhile, because it is called "happiness".

February 19th, 2007

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."