
Frank 2022-10-12 18:45:04

Darren's son's dad said you should be a rocking chair
hockey player right? (to Darren) Do you play hockey?
My dad hit him was goalkeeper
Darren I played a long time ago Amateur
someday my time to come here to let you know of the powerful pro
vice-president to the coach you do not disrespect Dakebaituo suite belts (Nasdaq disdained the shorts cover head) well at least you set it on the head is Vice President Bender he was the fans that he wanted to say a few words
Bender few words? You are so optimistic. Good luck to everyone. Which party do you support?
Canadians do not support our team is
good luck hope to be able to race for everyone celebration
you with Blackhawks also say it?
Of course, handsome Nasdaq

terrorists Andrew (Chef) your wife in my hands you have to take two deputies to the Vice-President of the chamber

terrorists I want everybody to understand my sincerity I will not let this murder, please do not cow Wailing, this is a total of 1.7 billion U.S. dollars from thirteen accounts that have been frozen by the U.S. government. Please deposit to the account I designated when the game is in progress. You have three innings of the game. If you don't have enough, I will kill one person. the third inning did not save enough for the audience will be killed (said to Bender) you now contacted the president told him to inform the Secretary of State and Minister of Finance and then let the bank transfer
Bender you will die
is likely
you this dressy Wouldn't people be so stupid with a watch in their hands?
I'm not like you
you're crazy
ha I did not spend forty million to build a skating rink

terrorist accomplices penny they do not believe you
I'm disappointed we eat soft do not eat hard to decide who you want to vote when the victim of it?
Bender time is too fast not so fast
There must be good next game result we all feel Mayor Mrs. hate it
you wanted to kill her have to kill me
to shut up just for his re-election

Darren said to the police chief: you do not pay for my own soon to say Save Daughter
Police Chief: Don't be a hero, you'll endanger the vice president and all the audience

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Extended Reading

Sudden Death quotes

  • Emily McCord: [on phone] Hello? Hello?

    Darren McCord: Emily. Don't let him know it's me. I'll get you out. I'll take you home, I promise. Look around and tell me how many people are there.

    Emily McCord: Twelve.

    Joshua Foss: [takes phone from Emily] Well, wasn't that sweet? She included me, Tom. Now, you tell me what an AOP is or I'm gonna shoot this cute little pumpkin.

    Darren McCord: Listen to me, listen good. If you touch her, you look at her cross-eyed, you lose.

    Joshua Foss: [laughs] How do you figure that, fireman?

    Darren McCord: Okay, here's the game and here are the rules. You've got your hostages and you've got your bombs, so you can get your money. I'm gonna try to stop you, but I don't want anyone to get hurt. You stop me, you win. I get your bombs, I win. That's the game I'm gonna play, you piece of shit. Now, if you touch her, the game's off. Then I'll come after you. You'll have to kill me in front of everybody in this arena. There will be panic and the Secret Service, SWAT, the fucking navy will have to come in here, then you don't get your money. You lose, pal.

    Joshua Foss: Well, that's not bad for a civil servant. Oh, by the way, in the Secret Service, AOP is Assault on Principal. In this case, our esteemed Vice President.

    Darren McCord: I don't give a shit.

    Joshua Foss: Ohh, now Tom, come on. If we're gonna play, you got to play nice. So you go run your little ass off. I know where the bombs are so I know where you're going.

    Darren McCord: Then come and get me.

    [hangs up]

  • Vice President: [after Foss shoots an agent] That agent's name was Eddie Kaline. He has a five-year-old boy, a three-year-old little girl, and his wife's pregnant.

    Joshua Foss: I'll send a card.

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