How did you go from liking one person to liking another?

Waino 2022-03-19 09:01:03

"How did you change from liking one person to liking another person? Is this thing like going to school, after this semester, the next semester, so simple? Or is it like a person who dies and reincarnates into the world, accepting The suffering of reincarnation. So difficult? Or like the stations that I pass through on the journey, all the stations have to leave me, except the end. So melancholy? Or like a movie, there is no end, only to see one after another The character swayed in front of my eyes, and finally the lights came on, and I went home alone. So sad?"
——Lu Nei's "Follow Her Journey"

saw this passage from Lu Nei's novel posted on Weibo, and Gao Fei forwarded it Saying "It's like going through platform after platform, I can't just sit on one platform forever, whether I walk over crying or laughing, I always have to walk over."
And for me, the answer was more like It was on a speeding train, some people's seats were facing the direction the train was going, and what was happening and what was about to happen quickly encroached on her life, so she quickly left pictures and memories of the past behind. The back of her head; some people's seats are the opposite, so she has been looking at the past, those scenery and people will stay in her sight for a long, long time, and they will stay in her heart for a long, long time.

"I mean, I feel like I'm pretty useless because I've never been able to be so free. People just take it easy, and even if it's a serious relationship, people break up and forget, it's as simple as changing to another brand of cereal. But I don't think I'll ever forget everyone I've been with, because each of them has very different qualities. You can't replace anyone, what you lose is lost, and I'm hurt when every relationship ends , I never fully recovered, so I try to avoid getting involved in the relationship...because the pain is really too deep! Even sex! Actually I don't like that, because I miss a person's ordinary things, like Those details. Or maybe I'm a little neurotic, but when I was little, my mom told me that I was always late for school. She followed me one day and wondered why, and I was watching the chestnuts fall off the tree and roll onto the sidewalk, Or ants crossing the road, the reflection of leaves on tree trunks... all kinds of little things. I think it's the same for people, I see their details, very subtle... those details that move me, and then I Will miss them, will miss them all the time. You can't replace anyone because everyone has that beautiful, unique nuance of him. Like I remember, you had a little red on your beard...I remember the day you left How the morning sun made it sparkle in the morning, I've always remembered it, so much. Very neurotic, right?"
- "Before Sunset"

in the movie "Before Sunset" , the heroine Céline also addressed this issue. Apparently she was sitting in the opposite direction of the direction the train was going, and all her romance was exhausted that night nine years ago, so much so that she felt like she would never feel that way again, Love doesn't belong to her anymore. Céline explained why she couldn't forget her past relationship, which led to another question - "How did you start to like someone?"
I discussed this with Xiao Jia, and my answer was the same as Céline, is the "detail".
Most of the time, when we start to describe a person, we use some very common and generic adjectives, such as kind, tangled, boring, stubborn, selfish, etc. These words are so barren and limited, but why do we perceive each person so differently?
First of all, I think this is because everyone's character is not single, he is a complex of contradictions, and the content of each trait is different; secondly, I think for each person, his inner The way the traits are transmitted to the outside world is different. At a certain moment, a certain quality of you will manifest in a certain way, and if received by another person, then there is a good chance that he will like you.
When Céline was telling Jesse about how she was home late from school as a child, the story no doubt touched Jesse.
What touched Jesse's heart was not only the story, but also Céline's curiosity and obsession with observing things in detail. But what I find most emotional about Jesse is the way Céline recalls the past tense, the way she describes the scene, and the way she speaks and the tone of voice. At that time, Jesse seemed to be standing on Céline's way home, watching her walk slowly on the road, stopping to watch the ants crossing the road, and the reflection of the leaves on the tree trunk. Jesse fell in love with the little girl and Céline, the storyteller.
You see, loving someone is as simple as that. Even a little bit of red sparkling in a man's beard under the rising sun can make a woman remember for nine years. For others, this picture is likely to be the neck exposed when the ponytail is tied, a warm eye, or the angle formed by the long hair blowing in the breeze and the smile on the corner of the mouth. The more subtle things are, the more they can reflect The uniqueness of this man is precisely what is most fascinating about it.
It is difficult for you to open your heart to express these subtle scenes and emotions, so sometimes it is difficult for you to explain to others why you like a person.
"Why do you like him?" "Because he knows the constellations in the sky." "So...he is a descendant of Zhuge Liang, isn't he?" "...No."
In fact, the scene that day may be a few friends going to the rooftop to play together, but the weather is so good that you can see a lot of stars. He points to the sky and starts to introduce you which direction is which constellation. You look over his raised arm, there is a star that is really bright, you feel very happy, you turn to look at him, he still raises his hand and says there, his face is full of "I'm just a bunch of nonsense" His expression, suddenly you fell in love with him. But how can you experience these feelings if others are not you? Rather than saying it to make you seem childish or weird, hide what you really think in your heart.

Looking back at the first movie "Before Sunrise" in 1995, Céline and Jesse were able to fall in love with each other when they first met, just because they could talk freely between them! Although the jumping thoughts of the two people are constantly interrupting each other's topics, the rhythm of the chat is like a person walking, taking a step with the left foot, taking a step with the right foot, taking a step with the left foot, taking a step with the right foot... very tight.
Although I don't fully agree with you, I fully understand what you are saying, which is more valuable than just agreeing.
"I think when you're young you believe you'll know a lot of people, but then you realize that there are very few people to communicate with," Céline said. In her eyes, "mediocre feelings" means "it's not that they treat me badly, they care about me. But we don't have that kind of spiritual communication or heartfelt excitement, at least on my side. such a feeling, "so she felt that" there is only one man alone will be truly happy. even a person, but also to better than sitting on the edge but absent-minded lover to be. "
so, the two talk to people The achievements of these two classic "talking" movies. Especially the second "Love at Sunset", the first 105 minutes tells a story of an evening, this 80 minutes is estimated to last for only two hours in the movie. It is said that there will be a third film to be released next year, called "Before Midnight" (Before Midnight).

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Before Sunset quotes

  • Celine: Do I look any different?

    [long pause]

    Celine: I do?

    Jesse: I'd have to see you naked.

  • Jesse: In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

    Celine: I lived on 11th and Broadway.

    Jesse: You see?