war is heaven

Ibrahim 2022-03-08 08:01:02

There will always be a lot of YY-style interpretations in such films. Generally, such in-depth YY original works are nonsense, but such comments are very marketable and cater to the curiosity of the public. The original author is also happy to see his own work. Being fired like this is good for both myself and my work.
In fact, this film is still an anti-war theme, implying that war is the way of heaven and cannot be controlled by human beings. There are many places in the film that point out the insignificance of people from different angles in different ways, or it is absolutely not enough to completely control the war. For example, many shots of the wounded soldiers and the dead on the battlefield show the fragility of the human body. The German and Russian soldiers talked about the white tiger. The fear of tanking shows that people's hearts are fragile and not iron. There are also three specially created bridges for German generals to eat. The three big men who control thousands of troops can be described as dragons among people. As a result, street restaurants , The common people such as cream ice cream do not know, it can be seen that people's knowledge is limited after all, through these shows that manpower is limited, the comparison is naturally small, since people are not omnipotent, how can they control the creation of war?
The director borrowed the feud between Germany and Russia to illustrate the ruthlessness of war, the white tiger tank, the Germanic mythological paradise, the Soviet tanker, and even various epics and various gods of war of various nations. sustenance, no matter if you are American, Russian, German, Chinese, Japanese, no matter what your banner is, national independence, democracy and freedom, liberation of human beings, frontier expansion, after the war, you are either a dead person, Either he is a miserable person whose physical and mental wounds cannot be healed, and no one can change it.
Some people even think that the director, as a Russian, praised the fighting spirit of his own nation in the film, or advocated that the Russian nation will always fight against the German nation, these views are too paranoid. If the director wanted to demote Germany, why did he elevate Hitler to Valkyria, the Germanic mythology where the heroic fallen soldiers could only enter? This is actually to break the illusion with illusion. You must know that it is a myth in itself, and it is nothingness. A person who cannot win in life will enter the winner's paradise after death? These are all healing ointments made up by tiny humans who cannot let go of the bitter consequences of war. Warriors full of blood, ghostly heavy tanks, people's great fear of death in the face of war makes them believe that these things exist. When the war is over, these things will be wiped out, the war will resume, and a new generation of these myths will appear.

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