human beings seeking redemption

Viviane 2022-08-21 03:00:49

Cube explains a sociological principle: the development and future of civilization by means of metaphors, mathematical knowledge and experiments.

The film begins with six subjects who do not know each other waking up in a maze. They found themselves trapped in a room with windows on all six sides leading to adjacent rooms. How can we get out of this dangerous, directionless maze? The subjects embarked on a difficult quest.

Contrast the redemption-seekers in the film with the

cops: the most desperate character...and the worthy protagonist of The Cube. The film details how a confident, hopeful, outgoing and healthy person who is almost the epitome of the positive elements of human beings is trapped by danger; negative emotions such as suspicion, irritability; desire for power and even sex (Actually, it is what we humans encounter in society) blindfolded, crazy, and completely forgetting their purpose. When the police killed the female student at the end of the film, they completely forgot that his purpose was to find the exit. The exit was right in front of him, and the reason for arguing in the cube no longer existed. And he has disregarded that ultimate goal, and only knows to kill the same kind, and he is caught in the struggle of human beings. The policeman is the most ironic character in the film. He is a hapless man driven mad by the human world.

Female student: This is a woman, yes, this role must be played by a woman. She works well with dementia because she has the qualities of a woman who cares about others. Female students represent sympathetic and capable middle- and lower-class people. No one targets her throughout the film, because she can't threaten anyone, and she doesn't hold back like dementia at times. That's why the police wanted to take her solo later - she's useful and easy to use, it's that simple. The schoolgirl barely dominates any decision from beginning to end, which also reflects the social status of the people she represents, who are ultimately exploited and the prey (and ultimately killed) of the deranged in power.

Architect: On the surface a skeptic, decadent, and cynic who doesn't cooperate with anything on the surface (although with some insight, found that the relative positions of the rooms are also changing). Such a person is easy to be regarded as a black sheep by any human group, just by looking at the attitude of the police towards him, and almost throwing him away. Of course, he is actually an insider who knows what this "world" is, and that's why he's a cynical person. He is the only person other than dementia who doesn't care whether he can escape or not. This person has seen it through, and even the last exit is in front of him, and he shakes his head: "I'm tired of the infinite ignorance of human nature." In the process of seeking an exit , These people can be described as ugly, and he is of course tired of always looking at things from the perspective of an "outsider". Personally, I think this person is the incarnation of the screenwriter of "Cube" in the movie, an "outsider" who has seen it.

Old woman: I am a doctor by profession, and I have been working hard on the government. I suspect that the Pentagon has done something.

Dementia: He is and isn't dementia... It doesn't really need a third movie to say that there are many such "genius idiots" in our world. In reality, it represents the bottom-most, undisturbed, toiling public, doing boring work (mathematical calculations), and is regarded as a burden without any status. Use it when you need it, throw it away when it doesn't, and curse when it gets in the way (almost all the cop did). Unlike the others, his only trouble with the cube is the color of the room. This is an "ignorant fool" who doesn't know what a horrible, depressing prison he is in. It's ironic that he's the only one who walks through the exit... that's right, as far as this movie goes, it's not acceptable whoever ends up going to the exit. Only this demented, confused person walked out, but it seemed natural, only a fool can be happy, and only a fool can go to heaven. The back of the fool is not enviable at all. I watched him disappear in the white light with a wry smile (for humans, the exit of this crazy world is a mystery).

Prison Break Expert: Looking at his business, he's quite a connoisseur of finding "hope" in this situation. Look at his image again: a self-righteous old man. Yes, jailbreak experts represent people who believe in their own experience, who are generally older, live their own way, and do have a lot of knowledge. Others are willing to believe them because "he has been here for so long (successful escape from prison many times)", and they have given him the reputation of "escape master". But just like the human world, the cube is constantly changing, and the trap is not static. It is called a trap if it is deceptive. So the end of this experienced old man is of course to be smashed to pieces in front of a trap he has never seen before, exiting the stage cleanly with his experience, and then being judged as a loser by others. In reality, there are quite a few examples.

When we figure out what it stands for, we understand what this movie is, and it's a journey to find redemption. People struggle to find redemption or freedom or hope or truth or whatever (represented uniformly by exports), and as a result the "experience" represented by escape experts is quickly out. Everyone is trying to figure out how the world works in a slow exploration. During this period, various contradictions continue to erupt and accumulate (a guy said to me: "There are always problems in the crowd, if you don't see the problems, then the problems are accumulating. , ready to go." After reading it, it's classic enough.), and finally caused the death of a small citizen. From the time when the police wanted to fly solo with female students, the contradiction between the strong group (the police) and the weak group (the others) has been irreversible. Then there is desperation: the scene of returning to the room of "experience", the effort of which has been in vain, is how the film hits these people again and again.

On the verge of despair, the architect discovers that the room is moving, and then the dementia suddenly proves its worth! Let his treatment skyrocket! ! (If dementia had shown earlier that he was a math genius, 80% of the police would have taken him solo.) Then the conflict erupted, and the police, who had turned into a violent dictator, were temporarily out.

Vulnerable groups do not have self-righteous police officers and have a smooth life (once they become a strong group, their identity will inevitably affect their behavior, and they will gradually become unpopular). In fact, the whole film is the smoothest and the best atmosphere is that these vulnerable groups work alone In this section, now the person who gets in the way has become the police. And then there's another ironic: the first departure room is the "ferry"! ! I suspect that if those few people chose to go in the other direction at the time, they would have gone straight to the exit! ! "Looking for her thousands of times in a dream, and suddenly looking back, the answer is actually behind you." [It may also be that the right direction at a certain time may not be correct at other times] Human beings are not complicated, but they make themselves complicated. The starting point There are many things that go wrong. The schoolgirls may have been happy at the time, but that meant their entire effort in the cube (and pushing each other) was unnecessary.

After that, the police came back, and the kind-hearted female student left. And the expression of the policeman rushing to the exit does not seem to be escaping. I think he is trying to bring dementia back! ! It can be said that this policeman has completely turned into a person in a cube, jealous, betrayed, anger, irritability, power, sexuality, possessiveness and many other things have turned him into a part of the cube, into intrigue, you die. A part of the human world, he no longer knows what to export. As for the architect who perished with him, it was just to eliminate those characters who could not go out as soon as possible in the last few scenes, highlighting the dementia.

In the end, only the idiot walked out of the Rubik's Cube, but is this really the way to the outside world? . .

Scene 1: At the beginning of the film, everyone knew each other in a very friendly manner and decided to unite and rely on each other.
Conclusion 1: Human nature has a collective subconscious that fears loneliness, and it is an instinctive behavior to generate socialized connections.

Scenario 2: The old thief with seven prison escapes just fought independently, but was finally accidentally plotted by the agency. Everyone began to follow the police's advice and tentatively reached a consensus on the next course of action.
Conclusion 2: In the face of complex and dangerous environment, individualism will not work. Human beings need to use the power of "organization" to lead everyone to complete the task of fighting against the external environment.

Scenario 3: Students in the Department of Mathematics discovered the relationship between the room number and the risk factor, thus avoiding the needless sacrifice of blindly rushing in, and searching for a way out has entered an orderly state.
Conclusion 3: In the process of striving for survival, human beings have no choice but to learn to analyze and grasp the laws of nature, that is, to accumulate knowledge. The emergence of science is the inevitable result of the struggle between man and nature.
Scene 4: The appearance of a mentally handicapped man. The mentally handicapped, who are considered to be of no help in escaping the maze and will cause trouble, are clearly not popular, especially the police. He strongly demanded that the mentally handicapped be thrown down, but was strongly opposed by doctors whose profession was to save lives and heal the wounded. The others couldn't make a clear statement due to morality, so the mentally handicapped were left on the road with them.
Conclusion 4: Rationalized social systems always take interests as the main starting point, but sometimes some residual human elements make our choices less rational. Emotional and intellectual struggles are always mutually won. Although a rational choice is often the result of an analysis from a current perspective, and may not be the best choice in the long run, almost everyone felt that their choice was justified when making a decision.

Scenario 5: The contradiction between the doctor and the police is becoming more and more obvious, and the police finally took the opportunity to murder her. Conclusion 5: Selfish and cold-blooded politics and warm-hearted humanity have always been yours.
Scene 6: The rest see through the ugly nature of the policeman and resolutely abandon him.
Conclusion 6: When civilization develops to a certain stage, soft constraints such as morality will replace rigid laws and regulations, and the government will be regarded as a low-level management tool and discarded.

Scenario 7: The crux of the problem lies in the astronomical calculations that mathematics students cannot complete. Just when they were about to despair, the mentally handicapped played a miraculous role and miraculously helped them complete this task.
Conclusion 7: 1. When science is in trouble, it often relies on some unconventional forces (such as the spark of inspiration) to achieve breakthroughs. Its development curve is not a smooth and continuous shape, but a step-shaped transition with obvious nodes; 2. The so-called mentally handicapped does not necessarily mean that their intelligence is underdeveloped. It may be that their intelligence develops non-linearly and discontinuously, reaching a very prominent height in some areas, rather than developing in a balanced manner like ordinary people. I doubt whether we are qualified to define others as mentally handicapped. Perhaps our definition of IQ itself is extreme and incomplete.

Scene 8: At the moment when the door of the labyrinth is finally opened, the architect refuses to go out because he has lost interest in life, and the female mathematics student is brutally plotted by the police. In the end, the police were dragged by the grief-stricken architect and left in the labyrinth forever, while the mentally handicapped went to the light...
Conclusion 8: Science created by human beings cannot save human beings after all, as long as a society is formed, the society itself will Inferiority is something we cannot get rid of. As for the life-saving straw, it turned out to be to give up all the so-called "civilization" natural sciences and social sciences that we created, to destroy everything we have carefully managed, and to move towards a new life in an extremely pure initial state.

To sum up, the final conclusions are as follows:

Cube can be seen as a laboratory to examine the development process of human civilization: human beings are born with a fear of loneliness and the unknown, and they will instinctively gather together to seek safety; after experiencing the lessons of the blood of individual heroism, human beings A basic social model was formed and leaders and institutions were created; in order to survive in a dangerous environment, human beings were forced to explore the laws of nature, accumulate knowledge, and thus produce science; in the process of scientific development, human beings realized The law of survival of the fittest, they must become selfish to maximize their own interests, but the fragile nature and indecision of human nature often hinder the pace of human development, so human beings abandon human nature; but at the same time, the barbaric nature revealed by the system And the ugly face was rejected by science again, and human beings gave up their expectations of sociology and turned to rationalism; but after all, science is not omnipotent. It allows mankind to see the dawn before dawn, but it is unable to complete the final progress. At this time, it turned out to be Human instinct and subconscious play a key role; human cognition cannot figure this out, and even has doubts about the future of science, and the politics of sociology is revived, trying to bring human beings into the chessboard of control, but science has played a role. The ultimate strength and the ugly politics perish together - the ultimate way out for human civilization is to return to the simplicity of a newborn baby, all the complicated intrigues have become a thing of the past, and the spiral development essence of negation of negation has been profoundly reflected.

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Cube quotes

  • Holloway: What have we come to? It's so much worse than I thought.

    Worth: Not really. Just more pathetic.

  • Quentin: Listen, we can't go climbing around in here.

    Holloway: Why not?

    Quentin: There's traps.

    Holloway: What do you mean traps?

    Quentin: Booby traps. I looked in the room down there, and something almost cut my head off.