I feel that the focus of this film is on acting, and it is entirely up to the powerful actors to meticulously describe the mental state of "uneasy, confused, restless, helpless and hesitant"...

Constantin 2022-03-22 09:01:40

Let's talk about George Clooney first. This handsome old man really adds a lot to the film. He is indeed a powerful actor and the winner of the 78th Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.
It is said that the "Sin Ruina" that made him reach the top is not bad, I will take a look at it later.

Come back and talk about this film. The beginning and the end of this film are quite fascinating. The middle is not suitable for a rookie like me. itself related. A story that does not contain too many suspense and thriller elements: a pesticide company, facing a huge lawsuit and leadership succession, found a team of lawyers to solve their troubles, but Arthur, who had a sense of justice, fought back and was assassinated. My friends and colleagues, the pig's feet in this film is in a crisis of entrepreneurship, and the firm where he works is also facing huge opportunities or crises. What to do... With the "cumbersome" plot and the perception of various fates, the male pig's foot, Michael Crichton chose to give up the tempting "career", resolutely followed his friend Arthur, and decided to assassinate the evil pesticide company and the Friends and their own villains declare war...!
The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. Although I strongly recommend this film, but I really do not adapt to the rhythm of this film, but many netizens analyze the simple language and like it very much. I do not dare to criticize it, or give it five stars to attract more high-level friends to watch this film. Looking forward to new insights and insights.

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Extended Reading

Michael Clayton quotes

  • Michael Clayton: Mr. Greer, you left the scene of an accident on a slow week night, six miles from a state police barracks. Believe me. If there's a line, you're right up front.

    Mr. Greer: I can get a lawyer any time I want. I don't need you for that. We're not sitting here for forty five minutes for a god damned referral.

    Michael Clayton: I don't know what Walter promised you but...

    Mr. Greer: A miracle worker. That's Walter on the phone twenty minutes ago. Direct quote, okay, "Hang tight, I'm sending you a miracle worker."

    Michael Clayton: Well he misspoke.

    Mr. Greer: About what? That you're the firms fixer? Or that you're any good at it?

    [explodes in anger]

    Mr. Greer: The guy was RUNNING. In the STREET! You take that, you add the fog, you add the light, you add the... the angle. What the fuck is he doing running in the middle of the street at midnight? You answer me that, huh?

    [Mrs. Greer throws a glass across the room, there's a long pause]

    Mr. Greer: What if someone had stolen the car? Huh? Happens all the time.

    Michael Clayton: Cops like hit and runs. They work them hard and they clear them fast. Right now there's a DCI unit pulling paint chips off a guard rail. Tomorrow they're going to be looking for the owner of a custom painted hand rubbed Jaguar XJ12. If the guy you hit, if he got a look at the plates? It won't even take that long.

    [the phone rings]

    Michael Clayton: There's no play here. There's no angle. There's no champagne room. I'm not a miracle worker, I'm a janitor. The math on this is simple. The smaller the mess the easier it is for me to clean up.

    Mr. Greer: [points to the phone] That's the police isn't it?

    Michael Clayton: No. They don't call.

  • [first lines]

    Arthur Edens: Michael. Dear Michael. Of course it's you, who else could they send, who else could be trusted? I... I know it's a long way and you're ready to go to work... all I'm saying is wait, just wait, just-just-just... please hear me out because this is not an episode, relapse, fuck-up, it's... I'm begging you Michael. I'm begging you. Try and make believe this is not just madness because this is not just madness. Two weeks ago I came out of the building, okay, I'm running across Sixth Avenue, there's a car waiting, I got exactly 38 minutes to get to the airport and I'm dictating. There's this, this panicked associate sprinting along beside me, scribbling in a notepad, and suddenly she starts screaming, and I realize we're standing in the middle of the street, the light's changed, there's this wall of traffic, serious traffic speeding towards us, and I... I-I freeze, I can't move, and I'm suddenly consumed with the overwhelming sensation that I'm covered with some sort of film. It's in my hair, my face... it's like a glaze... like a... a coating, and... at first I thought, oh my god, I know what this is, this is some sort of amniotic - embryonic - fluid. I'm drenched in afterbirth, I've-I've breached the chrysalis, I've been reborn. But then the traffic, the stampede, the cars, the trucks, the horns, the screaming and I'm thinking no-no-no-no, reset, this is not rebirth, this is some kind of giddy illusion of renewal that happens in the final moment before death. And then I realize no-no-no, this is completely wrong because I look back at the building and I had the most stunning moment of clarity. I... I... I... I realized Michael, that I had emerged not from the doors of Kenner, Bach, and Ledeen, not through the portals of our vast and powerful law firm, but from the asshole of an organism whose sole function is to excrete the... the-the-the poison, the ammo, the defoliant necessary for other, larger, more powerful organisms to destroy the miracle of humanity. And that I had been coated in this patina of shit for the best part of my life. The stench of it and the stain of it would in all likelihood take the rest of my life to undo. And you know what I did? I took a deep cleansing breath and I set that notion aside. I tabled it. I said to myself as clear as this may be, as potent a feeling as this is, as true a thing as I believe that I have witnessed today, it must wait. It must stand the test of time. And Michael, the time is now.