Light off light on

Alexzander 2022-03-16 09:01:02

The scary thing about this movie is that not long after I first started watching the movie, the light in my room suddenly went out! And still can't open it! I had to turn on another light to watch. After I watched this movie, I magically discovered that the light turned on again by itself! With this movie, it is really weird. .
Too much gossip, get back to business. This movie reminds me of "Fight Club" and "Shards of Memory", or "Killing Game" also count? Anyway, what they talk about can be summed up as a split personality. They can imagine multiple people alone in their lives. They will appear inexplicably in life, and there will be incidents such as murder and supernatural. They even bring the audience in inexplicably and chase the movie. Take a look.
The uniqueness of this film, I think it is not subtle enough to expose the details of the protagonist's split personality. . . In other words, the director's style of making this film is a big deal, showing the scenery, making it clear that you don't have to guess, and watch the final ending obediently. Usually the director of this type of film focuses on the supernatural suspense and appetite plot, with the protagonist being surprised, puzzled, surprised and fearful, crazy and disoriented, with his eyes wide open and roaring and roaring, making the audience overlook the details of the film’s ambush, leaving the audience confused. 'S has been following the rhythm.
But this "Machinist", when I saw the middle part, I already felt that it was a film describing split personality. Starting from a piece of paper on his refrigerator, the protagonist slowly faces the inexplicable things in his life, and goes crazy to track down another self in his imagination. What made me complain is that when he saw the picture of fishing in the call girl's room, the other person in the picture, I couldn't tell it was Bell at first, it was too far! Ray!
Well, since you guessed that this should be about split personality, let's see what is the reason for split personality. I almost saw my hand in the factory and I could skip it. Then I didn’t sleep for a year. I took the little boy to play. I took pictures of the call girl, the attendant at the airport, crashed the car and tracked down the red sports car, until I finally did it at my home A fake murder was made, and the last KILLER was filled on the slip of paper.
Although the final ending ended with an educational but at the same time disgusting surrender, but the last thing to say is that Bell, from a healthy and handsome young man, was decadent to becoming a scrawny drug addict. The change of face and appearance was 180 degrees beyond recognition, but his own heart, in his mind, still couldn't get rid of that nightmare, couldn't pass, couldn't heal, the more imprisoned penance, the more the backlog is difficult to release. People still can't pass your own level. Maybe you have really changed a lot. But what happened, the people who appeared, can't be forgotten by changing your appearance, but can be hidden in your subconscious, and then be like an ant. Biting your heart like this, tormenting your nerves, over and over again, there is no end. But who can blame this? You can only blame yourself, your past, and your heart.
It seems that time is really not able to smooth everything out; or maybe human life is too short?

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The Machinist quotes

  • Tucker: Congratulations, Reznik. You just made my shitlist!

  • Trevor Reznik: I'm not in that photo!

    Stevie: Trevor, I'm looking at a picture of you, standing next to a fat guy with glasses holding a fish.