In "Love is a bitch", the homeless killer sees how stupid cannibalism is when he sees the fighting dog killing all his other dogs, so he ties the murderer and the prey together , dropped a gun.
Judgment is a very secret desire. Unlike appetite, lust reminds you all the time. In the face of life that you can control, it appears unnoticed. To your students, your employees, and even your family, tell them now and then, implicitly or explicitly, that's my rule.
The second part of the story in the movie is a very interesting chain set. Men love women, women love dogs. Originally according to the ending of the fairy tale, the prince and Cinderella lived a happy life. However, the reality is quite the opposite. No matter how much you love someone, it is impossible for you to put aside your own emotions and fully enter the emotions of the person you love. Men simply cannot understand what a dog means to a woman, nor can a woman fully feel how a dog feels. Or tell us a truth: being loved loses the initiative.
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