Very bad

Thora 2022-03-20 09:01:30

Speechless, the police are worse equipped than criminals, they don't even have a talker, no backup, they don't even need a gun when they're shooting, they kill people with a dagger and even throw the dagger, not to mention tactical lights, they don't even have a flashlight, I couldn't watch it until halfway through. Challenging the thinking of normal people, this kind of assault did not even have body armor, vomited blood, and needless to say infinite bullets, anyway, the plot is bad, and it does not conform to human logic at all

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Extended Reading

The Raid: Redemption quotes

  • Jaka: [talking to his S.W.A.T. team] Okay, listen up. Our target is Tama Riyadi. I'm sure most of you know who I'm talking about. This man has become something of a legend in the underworld. Pushers, gangs, killers, they all respect him like a god. For the past 10 years his building has been a no-go zone for police. I don't care how big he is or who is behind him, he must be stopped. That enterprising fuck's been renting out rooms like it's an apartment, to any low-life piece of shit looking to keep his head down. Our mission is simple: we go in, and we take him out!

  • Rama: They'll come here. They'll tear this place to the ground.

    Andi: We'll be long gone before they get here.

    Rama: Then why do you stay?

    Andi: For the same reason you stayed in that uniform - it just fits.