So what about the end?

Annabelle 2022-03-20 09:01:30

I really like the style of this film,
especially when it came out, the whole color is very good-looking. When the hero and heroine met for the first time, peggy's outfit was very simple and very nice, especially in this scene, the short hair was very crystal and they were simple A simple wedding dress, a short dress, I think no matter what style of wedding veil is necessary, it will make the bride more shy and moving. The film is called the vow, because the vows that are read out loud at the wedding will all happen. We have to stay together for the rest of our lives, even if you open your eyes and hide and say you don't know who I am Before the turning point in her life, she returned to her parents, sister, and old lovers before she left home. The doctor said that she wanted to let her go back to a normal life. Even though there was no leo in her memory, she decided to return to them. Two people's home I want to try to wake up the memory of the two of them, but it's really hard. The hero looks strong, but I can't tell why the smile is warm, kind, and takes care of everything. Even if this is the case, it's not smooth. In a completely unfamiliar world, he looked hard at his lover, but found that everything was in vain. One was helpless and afraid of the person in front of him. Hard work is more difficult

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The Vow quotes

  • Paige: Are you trying to make me diabetic or just fat?

  • Leo: The moment of impact. The moment of impact proves potential for change. Has ripples effects far beyond what we can predict. Sending some particles crashing together. Making them closer than before. While sending others spinning off into great ventures. Landing them where you've never thought you've found them. That's the thing about moments like these. You can't, no matter how hard you try, controlling how it's gonna affect you. You just gotta let the colliding part goes where they may. And wait. For the next collision.