hearty art

Christian 2022-01-26 08:02:49

This level is the founder of the old one thousand bar + X Luo Hanfei day thief all the film's shadow

to see luther and hooker and think of michael danny ha ha

say hustle more like the film's faithful surrounded by lavishly decorated elaborate hoax temporary scene borrowing office is about to succeed when there are always one or two vertical unexpected situations to deal with the difficulties of being cheated objects always have bad luck always liars boss cow the X-

BTW in years without a mobile phone now really no more complicated and sophisticated scam but has Enough for us to applaud.

In the eyes of con artist, there are never only two choices: yes and no, and the third choice is always such a bunker. Kneeling for a high-IQ movie

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Extended Reading

The Sting quotes

  • [last lines]

    Henry Gondorff: You not gonna stick around for your share?

    Johnny Hooker: Nah. I'd only blow it.

  • [Polk greets Snyder]

    FBI Agent Polk: Sit down and shut up, will ya? Try not to live up to all my expectations.