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Lilliana 2022-03-15 09:01:02

Actually, I first saw the film's actor Joel Courtney and several shots of Super 8 appear in the new generation of niches in the tenth screening room. Then I heard Spielberg and thought this film was possible. The cheating index dropped drastically. In the end, you look too cute, the male lead, and the girl who is ambiguous with you is also very familiar.

According to what is known, the beginning of the article thinks it will be a young hero + pure friendship and love interspersed, just like ET ? ? ! Well, this is my wishful thinking. How can the boy who set up shooting the bloody zombie theme since childhood be a cute thing? It must be a monster, and the ending tells us that this is still ET. Although it can kill, eat, and be bullied by bad guys, it knows that it is ET, and finally takes the hero to his mother full of love for it. Going home bird~ the

silly ambiguous little Qingmei, is your main task to be a great acting show? The performance in the play is really good, and then you were taken away by the monster...being caught upside down for a long time Sister with strong survivability, you are still there, is the protagonist's halo shining all over? Sister of the Virgin, do you know that you are almost food? Haven't had a chance to make your Madonna speech? What is the "It's just..." standard Virgin sentence pattern?

Cheating cowardly male protagonist, knowing that you are cowardly, maybe your skill setting is actually called Yin Fengyang violation? ? Every time you do something rebellious, it's so logical. When your precious necklace is taken away, why don't you say anything for Mao? ? ? Does this seemingly at the beginning and all kinds of props that will have a big development disappear in the pocket of the soldier like this? Its function is to show that you are actually a good boy who wants to be affectionate? ? Then can you explain how it returned to Nao's hands? ?

The pitted alien model to build a spacecraft, not to mention the extraterrestrial magical materials that it brings, does the steel equipment commonly used in daily life fly into outer space like this? How does modern science say that materials that must be stronger and tougher exist...

well, in fact, this is still a young hero + alien monster? + Have love to save the world? Mode movie, but just like the setting in the movie, maybe in 1979 I would think it was super good-looking, but in 2012 I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a passing grade, well, you can choose nostalgia, but I can also choose to complain. .

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Extended Reading

Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.