The last samurai

Andreanne 2022-03-21 09:01:11

Brother Yu recommended me to watch The Last Samurai a long time ago. I always felt it was a task. I only finished watching it intermittently today. With my usual meanness, I shouldn't say good things, but wouldn't that be contempt of brothers' eyes. But objectively speaking, this The film is worth watching.

Well, let me first admit that I hate little devils, and my brother Yu is even more so. Whenever someone repairs the Japanese, it is a joy. Looking at it with this kind of prejudice and giving it a positive review, it shows that the shot is really good. I also like to give Guizi Zhang purpose, there is a "Men's Yamato", I recommend everyone to take a look. After watching such a film, I will feel that if I were not born as a Chinese but as a Japanese, I would be 100% proud of this nation. I used to have an old neighbor, an old railway worker, an old Kuomintang member, a very humble and kind old man. He admired the Japanese when he mentioned the Japanese. He said that Japan's failure was by no means a military failure, but a political failure. As an Asian nation, Japan was the first to defeat the old imperialism, Russia, and later Britain. In World War II, it was a great thing to fight against the United States, Britain and China with a small country. Britain, an old-brand capitalist country, is used to bullying others. He thinks that the yellow race are inferior people. The Japanese are even more undeveloped things, but they get beaten up in a fight. I can only say admiration.

The general background in the film is the era of the Reformation, the representatives of the new faction, let alone the confrontation between the comprador or capital roaders and the conservative faction represented by the samurai class. A professional soldier of U.S. imperialism mixed in, starting with thirteen and ending with thirteen. However, compared to the level of pretending to be B of the unknown and like under Zhang Yimou, that is simply too low-key. This American devils was introduced as a talent to help the government eliminate the samurai rebels. As a result, he was caught, became a member of the samurai, and went to fight the government again. In the process, he killed the brother-in-law of the samurai leader. But the samurai head forgave him. This may be the sympathy between the strong, and the instinctive reaction of a strong nation or individual. Just like Guizi later respected Yang Jingyu and Zhang Zizhong, it was a noble temperament. However, the story is so so nonsense that the deceased’s son has a paternal attachment to the murderer’s foe. Think about the farce of the American atomic bomb bombing and the Japanese taking the mermaid as the father after the incendiary bomb burned Tokyo.

The climax of the movie is the Samurai Army facing the Yanggun team. Although outnumbered, although they knew they used the pebbles to hit the stone, they still regarded their deaths as they faced the machine gun and artillery charge, and they all died in battle. In the end, the infected foreign gunmen automatically stopped shooting, and rows of warriors who fell to their opponents knelt down. I could feel an aura spreading from the samurai leader who had a caesarean section, suppressing all the breath. . I also know that at this moment, even though the samurai is defeated and victorious, although the body is dead, their samurai spirit, Bushido has been passed on to the new type of soldiers with foreign guns and cannons. Dignity, pride, honor, this is the national soul of the Yamato nation. I would rather die proud than steal your life. When I saw this scene, I was very moved. Why is such an army not powerful? Why is such a nation not great? Why can't it stand tall among nations. During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, the Japanese seized a letter from the senior general of the Chinese army stationed in North Korea. The content was that his wife warned men not to rush to the front of the war, which was passed down as a joke by the Japanese. In the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, could it be that our country's national strength was not enough? Even if the Empress Dowager Cixi puts military expenses on her birthday, the overall strength, tonnage, and number of artillery of the Beiyang Navy is still the largest in Asia, surpassing the Japanese combined fleet. We lost to this kind of national soul. China was once great. Marshal Yue Fei said that civilian officials do not love money, and military generals are not afraid of death. So there used to be a Yue Family Army that was hard to shake than a mountain. General Yang Zaixing, the enemy general who once killed Yue Fei's younger brother, was eventually taken over by Yue Shuai. In Xiaoshanghe Yang’s tens of riding forces encountered tens of thousands of Jin Wushu’s main force. Yang unexpectedly attacked, several in and out, and after hitting an arrow in his body, he cut off the arrow shaft and continued to fight. Ten generals, the horse stuffed mud in the end, died of chaotic arrows. After death, his body was cremated and he got several liters of arrows. This is not to say that Yue made up, this is a real truth, Xiao Shanghe still circulates the bravery of the general that year. The decline of modern times is not only the backwardness of science and technology, but also the lack of national spirit. We have also introduced advanced Western technology and are also trying to learn from the barbarians to cure the barbarians, but why are we so fast that the Japanese leave behind? The bloody slaughter in the early Qing Dynasty has consumed most of the blood of the nation, and the enslavement education for the next few hundred years has made the Chinese people like walking dead. Until the war of resistance 37 years later, our national spirit was revived again, reaching a climax after 1950. A country that had been weak for hundreds of years defeated the United Nations overnight!

At the end of the film, the emperor faced the relic of the samurai leader Katsumoto, a samurai sword representing the spirit of the samurai, and rejected the treaty proposed by the Americans because it did not represent the best interests of the Japanese people, because although Japan has introduced and learned so many advanced Things, they can’t forget who they are and where they came from. This is talking about the restoration of Japan, and even more about China today.

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The Last Samurai quotes

  • Algren: I killed her husband?

    Katsumoto: It was a good death.

  • Katsumoto: You believe a man can change his destiny?

    Algren: I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.