let me hug you gently

Sonia 2022-01-27 08:24:08

Let me hug you gently once, Mudge! Your crush has let you down...
let me hug you softly, Mudge! The ones you treated kindly ended up hurting you deeply...
let me hug you softly, Mudge! Ignorance people will only laugh at your naive behavior...
Let me hug you softly, Mudge! Your mind will never be understood...
let me hug you softly, Mudge! If you have something on your mind, don't hide it in your heart, you can talk to me, and I will be your audience with
all my heart... Let me hug you gently, Mudge! If you are wronged outside, you can cry to me, I will comfort you, and let you lean on
my shoulders... Just let me hug you again, Mudge!

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The Mudge Boy quotes

  • [after she refuses to sleep with him]

    Perry Foley: You fucking bitch.

    April: Fuck you.

    [sees Duncan watching them]

    April: Pervert.

  • Perry Foley: Say it!

    Perry Foley: Say you're a bitch!