This killer is still not too cold

Corine 2022-03-03 08:01:24

The story told in the film has a bit of a Hong Kong film flavor. When he debuted, he formed brothers and entered the arena; when he was a hero, he rebelled against his brothers and retired. The rules of the rivers and lakes formulated by the mob boss Charlie curb the acquisition of interests and the growth of greed. As a result, an organized, disciplined, and targeted assassination operation was carried out. Sadly, their defeat was doomed when Charlie was not killed by twenty-two bullets. They should regret not having heard an old Chinese saying: if you don't die, you will have good luck. Then, the aged Charlie was forced to transform into the former Lyon, and the killer career continued. Such a Hong Kong-flavored film is full of French romance, which can be seen from the warm and beautiful opera at the beginning of the film. However, if you want to ask where is the specific romance? Hard to say. Maybe this is the realm that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words. Just like the first reaction when you heard the name "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", just like the first feeling when you heard the song "Shape of My Heart", the only thing that pops into your mind is romance word. But again, like the word friendship in this movie, it's not just a word.

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