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Epic party from crazy 21 law shit
Max 2022-03-17 09:01:04
Berenice 2022-04-20 09:01:30
Just dont like it...dont like the chaos, the stupid high school teens...
Gage 2022-04-21 09:01:39
An R-rated youth comedy in the form of a pseudo-documentary is already very good in terms of viewing and innovation. The downside is that the development of the plot is slightly unreasonable.
Tyler: Can I help you, sir?
Rob: I'm here to see Thomas.
Tyler: First and last name, please.
Rob: I'm Rob, the neighbor. Who the fuck are you?
Tyler: I'll ask the questions, sir.
Rob: Exactly. Get the hell out of my way.
Rob: Hey, Thomas. Look man I don't want to be a dick here or anything, but your friend Oliver came by earlier and told me you guys were having a little party but this is too much.
Thomas: Yeah. We actually should be winding down like midnight, maybe 1. Is that okay?
Rob: No, it's not. I'm sorry. The baby can't sleep and Melinda's gotta be up early for work.
Costa: Fuck yeah! My boy Rob is here to rage! Good to see you, brother.
Rob: Whoa, yeah. Actually I'm not raging, but I'm just telling Thomas it's time to shut it down.
Costa: You can't be serious. This is a great party. What the fuck?
Rob: I am serious because it's 11:30 at night and it's time to wrap it up.
JB: Hey, hey, hey. Why don't we just bring everyone to the back and lower the volume a bit.
Rob: Guys, this isn't a request! The party's over.
Costa: I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree then, aren't we?
Rob: Listen to me. Thomas, either shut it down or I'm calling the cops. Fine, fuck it! I'm calling the fucking cops.
[gets a taser shot by Everett]
Costa: Fuck! Oh shit!
JB: Jesus fucking Christ! What did you do that for?
Costa: [Rob punches Everett in the face] Are you fucking kidding me? I will fucking kill you!
Rob: The little fuck tazed me! I'm definitely calling the cops now!
Costa: You punched a kid in the face! I'm calling the cops on your ass now!
Rob: Do it, genius! It's all on tape. I just saw this mother fucker record it right here.
Dax: No, all I got was you punching that little child's face.
Rob: Fuck you!
Costa: Go home, Robert!