'President Kills': A Political Combination Show

Ransom 2022-03-20 09:01:28

This is the backbone of the presidential campaign team. He is busy with the campaign work with full confidence, but accidentally learns that the female intern he likes has an affair with the candidate in our camp and is resentful. Just when he was about to use revenge to relieve his anger, he found that his private meeting with the opponent's faction director was exposed. The sudden death of the female intern, coupled with the onslaught of candidates with no faith and no moral code, cost him his job in an instant. He insisted on biting the female intern, even deceived him into the final negotiation with the candidate, and finally restored his job and dignity by using evil to defeat evil, and from then on began a more determined and terrifying life of disbelief .

If you have a general understanding of the election process of the rice-style president and watched the documentary "Obama: The Road to the White House", it will not be surprising for the operating team. The president is like a movie star. There is a large group of people who will be busy with the election work. What they should say and should not say in public will be carefully screened by the think tank at all levels. When candidates face the public, they will definitely show themselves with a flawless and impeccable image, or they will be extremely smart, show human concern, or demonstrate the power of Kong Wu. It's just that the audience has become a voter, and the actors have become candidates. That's why some critics say that Obama's election is the most successful talent show in the 21st century. The movie poster of "One Face, Two People" also conveys the message that the election of the President is a combination show of internal and external cultivation.

Although the film is directed and starred by George Clooney, who is keen on political activities and a big star, it does not touch too many sensitive political topics and insider stories. It's just that the commercial entertainment side has been greatly exerted, and it is as watchable as a stage play. The most involved topic is to explore the multi-faceted human nature and the nihilistic pursuit of faith. On the one hand, it is eloquent and eloquent, but on the other hand, it does evil deeds that cannot see the sun, so that the audience can think more deeply about the cruelty and ruthlessness of political games. The big-name team Philip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti, Evan Rachel Wood, and Marisa Tomei greatly enhanced the visibility of the film.

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The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!