"compliment" man

Caden 2022-09-13 04:14:49

The Prague Etude
visual system: trains on rails. Stable marriage and romantic affair

theme: People should pursue a happy work and life, regardless of age, whether married or not. Loving and being loved, or the exchange of feelings, is the source of happiness.

As the topic of discussion is the relationship between men and women, the film characters appear in pairs

an old man and his wife Ellie Carlo Cisco
affair: Jia Luxi female teacher Father Hendrik Vassar
2 daughters Helena and its former laid upon the Riel
Spouse: Vice president of the nurses speaking to Robert
3 little Mi Lieke, and lo shi female
affair: female teacher Jia Luxi
4 Li Zhake colonel and Heikki Dova
comparison: the ex-wife Li Zhake
5 other characters: "cousin" Ramo Mrs. Kova, Beer Bottler, Grandson Tommy, Supermarket Manager, Headmistress, Students The

protagonists are an old teacher couple: Carlo and his wife, whose wife has long since retired, Carlo resigns at the beginning of the film because he is unwilling to endure privilege The unreasonableness of the students. This is that Incentive Event. He began to look for a different job than before, first as a courier, but his age and health made him incompetent. Then there are supermarket bottle collectors, who end up being replaced by bottle collection machines. Finally there is the conductor, the career he has always dreamed of. The three jobs have in common: contact with mobile populations, stable service locations, and changing service targets. This form is also close to stable marriages and random sexual encounters. The old man's car-carriage fantasies are a resistance to the tedious and repetitive journey, the anticipation of dynamism, and the same is true of an extramarital affair. Repetition (fixed line and speed of trains, identical carriages, stability and durability of marriage) creates rhythm, change (uniform show in carriage, extramarital affairs) creates rhythm, and rhythm requires rhythm.

His criteria for choosing a job are: "This job doesn't make me happy anymore" and "This job makes me happy". What kind of work makes him happy? Work with a lot of people. There are friendly and funny men, beautiful and charming women, but also the silent old Rizak and the old woman living alone on the pension. The film mainly takes place during his work in the supermarket, a place that makes him very happy, he can sincerely communicate with all kinds of people, help them, and is proud of it. And his wife, who guarded the stable family order, didn't want him to stretch out beyond the family, knowing that he was looking forward to the random pleasures of the outside world. As a result, she sat at home behind closed doors, and love came from heaven. A priest admired her quiet beauty and came to her home to woo her under the pretext of learning German. And she also felt some vitality and joy, and she did not refuse. Old Carlo's desire for conquest was rekindled, and he reunited with his wife through the red balloon action. The long-term psychological barrier between the two was broken through communication.

The old man held three red threads during his inauguration in the supermarket: his divorced daughter Helena and his friend Robert; the widowed Air Force Major Rizak and the middle-aged female customer Kovadova; his own old lover, the dissatisfied Galusie and Milek, a boy garbage disposal who has suffered many setbacks in love. In addition, a relationship between a man and a woman is shown, which is Helena's ex-husband Garrel and a sexy little nurse. The relationship is another possibility for the old man's dreary marriage. The following conversation between the old man and his ex-son-in-law was important and they both agreed:

"As a father, I want to know what's wrong with you. She's a decent, smart girl"
"That's the problem"
"What do you mean?"
" Dad...if I could still call you that?"
"Of course I can."
"My new girlfriend isn't a decent girl, so she hooked me up."
"She's nasty?"
"Pretty nasty, hysterical, covered in Lust. You can't imagine what she'd say or do in bed."
"I can imagine."
"She's a hurricane of shamelessness and sexiness. When I was with Helena in decent, graceful serenity, she followed. , and then engulfed me. And I couldn't resist the affair."
"Decent serenity...she inherited it from her mother."

If the old man also encountered a sexy hurricane, what would happen to him and the old lady? As a result, the daughter ushered in new happiness, and the son-in-law found a more satisfying wife. As long as you don't refuse to love and be loved, there will always be a turning point. The old man could naturally be fascinated by Carusie, and the old lady could wait until Father Hendwasser. Colonel Rizak was a different kind of man, like Caro's wife, a loyal guardian of a stable marriage, but more extreme. He beat his wife to death because of her cheating, and then went to prison himself. After he got out of prison, he looked like a dead man until old man Carlo brought a turn for his life.

Old Carlo explained to his daughter why he had to go out to work:
I'm a "compliment type," and a "compliment type" is a man who likes to say hello to his wife. At work, he looked forward to coming home to greet her: "Hai! I'm back" but "I'm back" must be preceded by "goodbye".

Maybe Carlo is right. There is harmony when there is division, and life is a beauty that is flowing and changing.

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