Walk and Treasure - Frozen Planet Film Review

Jordane 2022-11-10 14:11:11

Frozen Planet is a documentary that the BBC spent a lot of money to create. We only watched the first season in class, and it was also the best part. After watching this documentary, I truly understood the Antarctic and the North Pole, and the vastness and richness of the world.

The beauty of nature is my first impression of the film. The South Pole and the North Pole, the pure white, stretches as far as the eye can see. How amazing is the power of nature. Isn't it a blessing to be able to live in this world and feel such a magical and magnificent beauty? I don't want to describe the beauty of the documentary, that kind of beauty can make people hold their breath, and I can't fully express it with my writing.

This film just depicts the beauty of the world to us, but what we can't forget is the reason why the BBC made this film: I am afraid that such a beautiful scenery will be lost because of global climate change and temperature rise. Therefore, I think this is also what we need to think about. Through this film, we can not only see the beauty of nature, but also record the natural scenery that may not be reproduced in the future. Even better, we can get something from it. the best. Of course, that's not to say that documentaries that document purely landscapes aren't good. Why is the world warming? Because of globalization, because of the industrial revolution, cars, airplanes... everything needs power and oil. The resulting carbon emissions have increased significantly in recent years.

I've read a book "Entertainment to Death", and although what the book says has little to do with what I'm talking about, I think it's possible to connect these things. Are the things we are familiar with now, such as the industrial revolution and the information revolution, good or bad? Or is it more pros or cons? At least not yet. We can see how serious the damage to the environment is for all things in China. After the old order was destroyed, only money theory is rampant. Are rights and desires good or bad? And the increasingly serious food safety problem, the selfish nature of human beings is exposed. The development of human beings should be compatible with nature, and should not be at the expense of harming the natural environment. Of course, some necessary destruction is inevitable, but should it be as far as it is now? For the so-called happiness of mankind, is it possible to abandon all other good things in the world? I don't think so.

However, this idea is not necessarily correct. I do not know in whose hands the truth lies. However, looking at the environment around us, Beijing's pollution problems, air pollution, tap water pollution, and those we don't know about, may be damaging our health a little bit. Or maybe, I am unfounded. I really don't want those good things to disappear just because of human behavior. When the dinosaurs perished from this world, they did not take anything with them. If one day we humans perish, will we take away all the beauty of the earth?

Speaking of beauty, I was thinking of cruelty throughout. While admiring those beautiful scenes and such wonderful scenes, I also hope to have a little touch in my heart, to care for our environment, it’s up to me, it’s up to you, just like the people who shoot documentaries are careful with the icicles underground, that’s not Wish we could do like him?

Of course, maybe, I see it from a very different angle. I just feel that this aspect is worth emphasizing and re-emphasizing. Everyone should understand, understand, and act. Maybe we can't do much now, or we can do very little, but when we enter the society, we can contact When it comes to a lot of things, the people who go out to the National People's Congress will not be too bad. I hope that in addition to enjoying, I can only cherish and care for it, not only the environment, but also people. Time is fleeting, enjoy the beauty of life, do it and cherish it.

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