What is polarity?
Polarity is a state in which some selves and others have opposite thought forms, life experiences, and expressions. The easiest way to check polarity is to check the circle of people you are in, including work, family, and so on. What do you perceive when you draw a circle between you and the people around you? Are you or someone else sick? Are you or someone else struggling in some way? Are you or someone else married or in love? Do you or someone else have children? Do you or someone else have a house? You can see from your circle that not everyone will have a lover or partner, not everyone will get married, not everyone has children, and not everyone has their own house. In the polarity, only part of the dreams of any experience are expressed, and they are expressed as light, medium and dark polar dreams in opposition to each other.
Personality characteristics are also polarized among different people. So, check the other people in your circles again. Are you or someone else critical? Are you or someone else very caring? Are you or someone else very hateful or superior? Is it because you or someone else is greedy by nature? Are you or someone else selfish and consider yourself more? Are you or someone else helpful and supportive? Is it that you or someone else is willing to heal others and make everyone harmonious wherever they go? Can you or someone else be able to travel and feel free? Are you or someone else imprisoned in one of your own life dilemmas? Are you or someone else richer and richer enough to manifest enough? Are you or someone else in poverty? Are you or someone else daring to act aggressively? Are you or someone else shy, quiet and struggling with self-expression?
All these opposing types will continue to be expressed and experienced until these polarities are unified in the act of ascension; after that, the circle of your life dance will change. For those who are ascending, you have unified the polarity to a certain degree in the process of mastering the language of light. The language of light is an ascending language of sound, tone, and movement. After the polarity is integrated within, it allows the opposition to cease and begin to enter into unity. For each of the opposites of the dance of your life, there are opposites within you that appear in the parallel layers around the earth and the parallel life on the non-physical layer. This is why everyone in your life is also a mirror of parallel life expression that appears in sync with your material life expression. For anyone you despise or dislike in your life situation, then you have a similar parallel life. When your parallel lives are integrated and you forgive the other person you despise or dislike, then you have completed the unity of all opposites within you.
About unified polarity
unified polarity of a way is a conscious recasting. When you intend to neutralize the polarity in your life expression and experience, this will will call for opportunities to forgive related patterns and ancestral karma. When you call ancestors and ancestral planes, then the process of unifying polarity is helped by your own inheritance. Neutralizing polarity is a continuous process in ascension. When you look at the mirror presented in the dance of life and choose to integrate the opposites expressed, then the struggle of life will dissipate, because the dream you call to experience will be when you no longer express the polarity unconsciously Time changes.
Polarity of the center of the earth and the surface
Most kingdoms on the surface are sick to some degree. In general, this is due to toxins produced by humans. However, we can say with certainty that this is the opposite polarity of the toxins cleaned up by humans in the center of the earth. 300 years ago (1,200 human years), humans in the inner earth had cleaned up the toxins in preparation for ascension, but failed to unify the polarity expressed by the human kingdom on the surface of the earth. The net result is that the dream of toxins came to the surface, and then manifested in the process of human technological development in the past 100 years. Now, Earth-centered humans are beginning to understand what they have caused, and are healing themselves to enhance the polarity in mapping. When this becomes so, the dream will then change, and you will witness that there will be an even higher wave of "green thinking" among surface humans in the next 10 years.
There are other polarities, suspended due to changes in the center of the earth that are not in harmony with the dreams of the earth's surface. The main thing is that it is the separation of your kingdom between the center of the earth and the surface that caused this problem, because the humans at the center of the earth feel that the humans on the surface are too unconscious to mix with it. To a certain extent we understand this, but this has caused your species to be unable to fully ascend due to its inability to fully understand itself. They (earth-centered people) are now focusing on releasing the karma of humans on the surface of the past 50,000 years, and this will greatly unify the polarity expressed, which will bring us what has happened since we fell into the third dimension. The greatest change in polarity on earth.
What is polarity reversal?
The polarity reversal causes the dream to flip from one extreme to its opposite in all expressions and dreams. When the polarity changes, many changes will be revealed to the surface humans. For those who are in the wealth polarity, they will lose their wealth. On the contrary, those who are poor will get wealth for a period of time. However, it’s very interesting to witness at this time, because even though those poorer people will become richer, they will be sympathetic to others because they don’t have enough painful memories, and thus share their own more. resource. As a result, when a neutral dream emerges in a greater balance, wealth will be redistributed ahead. The only real way to
neutralize the light, the middle and the dark to
unify the polarity is to forgive yourself for expressing something contrary to the physical plane. When a positive thing that is often seen as a greater balance is neutralized with a thing that is seen as a negative or more dense, then you enter the middle way. For a long time, mapmakers often focused on unifying light and darkness, and then entered the middle road of medium polarity. Although this is helpful in the early ascent to around 3000 strands, what those mapmakers who strive to master the Bodhisattva or higher have discovered that moderate polarity also needs to neutralize light and dark thought-forms to maintain one The true middle way expression.
In order to unify the polarities of light, medium, and darkness, you must also neutralize the related language of light thought-forms. So, for example, in the intermediate thought-forms of love, fear polarity, and sympathy that you have ascended to, you need to neutralize the polarities of love, fear, and compassion, and then you can truly realize the middle way of sympathy thought-forms. This may sound confusing, but we will explain further. There are some people who seem to be compassionate by nature, and as a middle-polarity, opposed to those who love and those who fear. Compassion of moderate polarity is not true sympathy, because it requires the existence of love and fear to maintain it. As the true sympathy of the middle way, love, fear, and false sympathy are allowed to merge into one extended expression, in which love, fear, and false sympathy cease completely. Therefore, the unification of all 3 polarities is now the focus of elevating mapmakers, because this is the only focus that brings true middle way expression.
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