Love with heart, not sex

Cletus 2022-11-03 21:12:39

In such a pioneering era, straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender are not enough to become obstacles on the road of chasing love. Some even choose to marry dolphins and inflatable dolls. Nagisa Oshima told about Marx's love, and Woody Allen filmed Daisy's story. This may be too extreme, but human beings have never had an answer to the exploration of the nature of love, right?

Modern science says that love is due to the action of hormones, a biological process through the action of hormones, and a comprehensive expression of a series of chemical reactions. Liao Yimei said that love is the feeling of numbness in the nerve endings under all external factors. Love should be an irrational thing, it is often crazy and occasionally rational, and then such crazy love is still so beautiful. The more you don't understand love, the closer it is to the essence of love.

Lucas falling in love with fabio is the result of one person falling in love with another person. It has nothing to do with gender or self-examination. It is just the obsession and attachment of one living body to another living body. Love is not 1+1, not 1+0, but the completeness of 0.5+0.5. Follow this feeling, it is the most real analysis of human nature.

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