End childhood.

Ibrahim 2022-03-22 09:01:28

A fancy piece of art. Unimaginable, heavy.

Reading a child's story is always heart-wrenching. Nietzsche's three transformations of the soul, camel, lion, child. If you can't be a child, stay in childhood. Before the arrival of dark reason, childhood was measured by hearing, smell, and sight. You can see the most real.

Naturally thought of , the same two little boys, friendship. They are of different status. This movie doesn't have the moving lines for you thousands of times. There was only a boy running through the forest. Cowardly, he lies so much that he dares not even admit to his friends. The young kindness is so pitiful, and under the intimidation and coercion one by one, he loses to his own cowardice. As if Ami just witnessed Hassan being abused, a lie that Bruno avoids.
Ami and Bruno have both made compensation, death or life is better than death.

I don't think I'll ever wear striped pajamas again, and can't be sure how long this story will live on in my memory.

Bruno, I heard the name means martyr. As a child, I naturally regret that he passed away. As xx's sin, it will end here, for equality and inequality.

Subduing this kind of thing, dressing up the ugly side of humanity. Glad to be back naked.

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Extended Reading

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas quotes

  • Bruno: We're not supposed to be friends, you and me. We're meant to be enemies. Did you know that?

  • Bruno: Do you not like playing?

    [Shmuel nods]

    Bruno: Just not ball games?

    Shmuel: Not here.