There are tears again, and I like it very much

Freddy 2022-02-07 15:00:24

Thursday, April 05, 2012
Take This Waltz The trio of waltzes have

always featured Canadian actress Sarah Polley, such as (Don't Come Knocking, The Claim, Exotica, My Life Without Me, Mr. Nobody, The Sweet Hereafter). Maybe it was the first time I saw her work. It was all because of her and Michelle Williams that I decided to come in and watch.

A brief introduction from imdb summarizes the story: A happily married woman falls for the artist who lives across the street.

Maintaining a marriage is never easy, especially for young couples who have only been married for five years and have no consensus on whether to have children or not. Temptation is harder to resist.

Margot (Michelle Williams) and Lou (Seth Rogen ("50/50")) are one such couple. Tomorrow and tomorrow will be like candied beans, and then a third party who is stunned and absent-minded appears and the world is spinning.

In fact, the freezing three feet is not a day's cold, even if it looks like a little cold water this time, there is still no freezing.

Director Sarah Polley portrays the two couples who are flirting and joking with each other day and night and then occasionally being relatively silent.

I really liked the pool scene.

Luke Kirby, who plays Daniel, is handsome, and he is really hard to resist! :) The

film handles the emotional connection of the three very seriously, but without losing the humorous element. Especially Lou, who specializes in chicken cookbooks.

Actually, I didn't expect Margot to leave Lou in the end. The new beginning with Daniel was her imagination. Then the last scene echoes from the beginning to the end, Margot is baking cookies, it turns out that it is the stack of cookies in the oven in the first scene. It turned out that it was no longer the home where Lou lived with. If you leave a relationship or a marriage because of one person, when the enthusiasm fades, will there be a new temptation?

Daniel and Margot walked together in front of the lighthouse, Daniel said: Fortunately, we didn't wait for decades (that Nova Scotia postcard for Margot is really romantic!), really?

Faithfulness is not an easy task.

The OST is very good, I should buy it if I find it.

There are tears again, and I like it very much.

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Take This Waltz quotes

  • Margot: A dog is like a starter for a kid.

    Lou: No, a dog is like a starter for a cow... or a bigger animal.

  • Margot: I'd like to make a date to kiss you.

    Daniel: Well... my schedule's fairly flexible.

    Margot: Is it flexible in 30 years?

    Daniel: 30 years?

    Margot: I'd like to see you at the lighthouse in Louisbourg. I'd like to meet you there. I'll be 58, I don't know how old you'll be...

    Daniel: I'll be 59.

    Margot: I'd like to see you there, on this date, at... 2PM. Eastern Standard time. August 5th, 2040, I'd like to kiss you. Until then, I'm married. But after 35 years of being faithful to my husband I think I'll have earned one kiss from you.