Because of love, so brave

Rocio 2022-03-21 09:01:10

"Peerless Tribulation", a film released in 1998, is a disaster film with natural disasters as the theme. I think it is a traditional disaster film. In this film, it still high-profilely promotes that the United States is the world's savior and that only the United States can save. The world saves the future of mankind.
The beginning of the film is guided by the demise of the dinosaurs, leading to the story of the film-the meteorite hitting the earth. The atmosphere at the beginning is quite relaxed, and the humorous plot has a proper regulating effect in the crisis of tension. This humor and tension effect is also the director’s unique ingenuity. It makes people nervous and relaxes the mood, that is, they feel scared and not afraid. Without a sense of humor, this is also in line with the hedonic spirit of Americans. All the plots are as soon as the team members go to space, they begin to become highly tense. The unpredictable environment and space give people a sense of mystery as well as faint anxiety. The powerful special effects make the blasting scenes shocking and real, which is a feast for the eyes. A good movie is inseparable from good sound production. The screams and interspersed music that burst out from time to time, as if you are in it, your palms are sweating, and you have the urge to run away.
Looking at this film from a cultural perspective, it has a strong feeling of patriotism. Like other American films, it promotes the spirit of capitalism and uplifts Americanism, typical of American heroism. It may be that the director Michael Bay does not like China. The director always mentions topics and scenes that can irritate the Chinese people intentionally or unintentionally. He mentioned China many times in the film. One of the scenes was a scene where a meteorite fell in Shanghai, and the other was Mentioning Taipei many times in the film made this film a little more politically regrettable in addition to its success.
Don't mention these political issues. It hurts feelings. After all, I still like this film. Beauty and tough guy, this match is very in line with the market rules, seemingly old-fashioned, but it is full of surprises in the old-fashioned. Commercial blockbusters add a little bit of literary and artistic elements, and the good use of emotions has resulted in this dynamic and tearful classic. To be honest, I cried at the end of the film. I cried at the conversation between Harry and Xiaojie, and at the farewell between Harry and his daughter. He loves them. He wants them to live happily and happily together, so he is brave. He chose to replace Xiaojie to complete the task given to them by mankind-to detonate the nuclear bomb himself. People are mortal, either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai. To use familiar words to describe Harry's death is heavier than Tarzan, and he is a great hero who saves mankind. In fact, maybe what Harry was thinking about at that time was only her daughter, his daughter, and whether the children could live a happy life and whether they could have a happy love. It was not whether the motherland was well and whether the world was peaceful, but As a father, he has to make life security and the right to love for his daughter. "BABY, I promise you will go back, but I am afraid I will break my promise. I also want to accompany you on the red carpet and take good care of AJ..."
The hypocrisy at the end of the film also made me cry. The topics that touch people's hearts can touch the softest part of my heart.

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Armageddon quotes

  • Karl: Sir, I'm retired navy, I know all about classified. But one more thing. The person that finds her gets to name her right?

    Dan: Yes-yes that's right, that's right.

    Karl: I wanna name her Dottie after my wife. She's a vicious life-sucking bitch from which there is no escape.

  • Rockhound: Guess what guys, it's time to embrace the horror! Look, we've got front row tickets to the end of the earth!