Irving 2022-11-01 07:10:06

I remember that when I was free, I downloaded this and took a look. I didn't expect it to be a surprise. Looks better than expected.
Super badass. No one is born bad. But when he found that no matter how hard he tried, people around him still couldn't see him, he chose another way. Yes, not so much thinking about right and wrong, just wanting attention, or not wanting to be sidelined and forgotten forever. Now that you've figured out that you might be suited to being a big badass, you might as well do it to the end.
In the end it is a cartoon, there are heroes, there are fake heroes, there are super villain-like heroes, and of course the beautiful GIRL. When the hero chooses to retire, yes, no one can play whoever forever, it's too tiring. It is good to be a hero, but it is sacrificing the self, and the hero asks himself not so noble. The big villain created another hero, or the so-called hero. This hero is an ordinary person, with a strong greed, the kind of arrogant and domineering. When he was about to destroy the city, the super villain appeared. Abolished the hero he created and replaced it himself. But he's still the kid who got bullied in the classroom back then, and the supervillain who turned into a villain just to be noticed.
Everyone is born with a pure, kind and beautiful life. They all have a pure heart, a simple and kind heart, and it's okay to be a super villain.

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Megamind quotes

  • Metro Man: Should've known you tried to crash the party!

    Metro Man: Oh, I intend to do more than crash it! This is a day you and Metrocity shall not soon forget!

    Metro Man: It's pronounced METRO CITY!

    Megamind: Oh, potato, tomato, potato, tomato...

    Metro Man: We all know how this ends: with YOU behind bars!

    Megamind: [sarcastically] Oh, I'm shaking in my custom, baby seal leather boots!


    Megamind: You will leave Metrocity, or this will be the last you ever hear of... Roxanne Ritchi!

    [presses a button to show a captive Roxanne on a separate screen]

    Megamind: Huh?

    Metro Man: [gasps] Roxanne! Don't panic, Roxy... I'm on my way!

    Roxanne Ritchi: Yeah, I'm not panicking.

    Megamind: [smirking] In order to stop me, you need to find me first, Metro Man!

    Roxanne Ritchi: We're at the abandoned observatory!

    Metro Man: A-ha!

    Megamind: [lunges for the control and turns off the camera on Roxanne] Nooo! We're NOT! Don't listen to her, she's crazy!

  • Roxanne Ritchi: What secrets? You're SOOO predictable!

    Megamind: Predictable? PREDICTABLE? Oh, you call THIS predictable?

    [pulls a lever that opens up an alligator pool beneath Roxanne]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Your alligators, yeah, mm-hmm. I was thinking about it on the way over...

    Megamind: [pulls another lever that reveals a hidden gun] What's this? Boom! In your face.

    Roxanne Ritchi: Cliché!

    Megamind: No! Look! Watch!

    [brings down a gauntlet of blades]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Juvenile!

    Roxanne Ritchi: Shock and awe!

    [brings up a chainsaw]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Tacky!

    Megamind: OH, IT'S SO SCARY!

    [unleashes a cycle of spiked boots]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Seen it!

    Megamind: [frantic] What's this one do?

    [unleashes a flamethrower]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Garish!

    [Megamind breaks down]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Okay, the spider's new.

    Megamind: Spider?

    [sees a spider hanging in front of Roxanne. Minion just shrugs]

    Megamind: Uh... Uh, yes, the spyiiiiiider. Even the smallest bite from... "arachnis deathicus"... will instantly paralyze...

    [Roxanne blows the spider into Megamind's eye]

    Megamind: AARGH! GET IT OFF! IT BIT ME!