loyal traitor

Talon 2022-03-21 09:01:15

I watched another old movie in the past two days - Donnie Brasco, Johnny Depp and Al Pacino's 1997 movie, the Chinese translation is called Zhongjianren, this name is more than the original name of the movie (Donnie Brasco is the agent played by Depp in the play. A pseudonym) I don’t know how many times better, and it’s not that those studios don’t do anything good, hehe.
The plot of the movie is not too tortuous. The undercover agent Depp contacts the core of the Mafia through Al Pacino's sponsorship. After getting enough information, he has a conflict in his heart. If the evidence is released, it will be used as a guarantor and Depp is in the same father and son relationship. Al Pacino is bound to die. How can he be worthy of his conscience? The name of the loyal traitor is really appropriate here. Depp had wanted Al Pacino to fly away, but Al Pacino, who was proud of the "bright" future, couldn't listen. In the end, when Al Pacino forced Depp to kill to get into the leadership of the Mafia, the CIA made a choice for Depp, Al Pacino paid for it with his life, and Depp received a government medal and a $500 bonus, and it's gone forever. Lived a life of incognito to escape pursuit.
In the latter part of the film, Depp's identity is revealed, and Al Pacino receives a call from the upper management asking him to "talk". Al Pacino calmly accepts his ending, admits Depp's identity and forgives him, before going out I put all the things I could sell for a little money--watches, rings, necklaces, wallets, car keys and a little change--in the drawer for myself and my wife, and I was afraid that my wife wouldn't find out. The drawer was opened a little; on the other hand, Depp attended his honoring ceremony with a blank face. After the officials hurriedly finished, Depp looked into the distance in despair. It's really touching to see this, I really hope the police didn't show up at that time, maybe Depp and Al Pacino can continue to live in the mafia.
After watching this film, I couldn't help but think of a Hong Kong film - the dragon on the edge. The gang has 2 core characters - Feilong (Andy Lau) and Tang Bao (Huang Qiusheng). The undercover Gu Tianle is Andy Lau's confidant. Once Huang Qiusheng was severely injured by the police, and Andy Lau, who wanted to wash his hands in a golden basin, was taken by the police and Huang Qiusheng's son. He was chased by the boss, and in the end, Andy Lau used Gu Tianle's hand to kill Huang Qiusheng's son. No one could stop him if he wanted to wash his hands or really be the boss. Maybe that's the difference between Hong Kong movies and Hollywood movies, but to be honest, I don't know which ending I prefer.
PS: Post a photo of Al Pacino, this guy seems to have been deadpan since he played the blind man in Scent and Knowing a Woman

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Donnie Brasco quotes

  • Lefty: [sees the front page of a newspaper documenting another crime boss was murdered, to Donnie while in his car] I never hear from my boss until he dies, then my whole life gets turned upside down!

  • Donnie Brasco: [to Maggie in their garage] If I come out alive, this guy, Lefty, ends up dead. That's the same thing as me putting the bullet in his head myself.