love lifeline

Lexi 2022-12-08 08:56:04

I seldom come into contact with Czech films, and I was moved by the humor of Czech films when I first saw them. There are no gorgeous special effects, no big-name movie stars, and no extravagant propaganda. A good movie is a good movie. The story has taught us an emotional lesson, and all the feelings are about love.
This play seems to be written for men, for women to better understand men. It was said before that men are single-minded, because men of all ages love young women. This drama revolves around the lifeline of love.
After the old teacher retired, he was unwilling to admit that he was old and useless, and he was unwilling to accompany his old woman all the time. The curtain of the life of the elderly slowly opened, and a kind of Czech life came into the audience's eyes. With Kuaishou, we saw the unique city style of the Czech Republic, no congestion, no pollution, everything is so fresh, leisurely trams, trains going back and forth, life is just walking every day, no congestion, no impetuous. The old man is doing the work of recycling bottles, and the camera is flashing again and again. We can see the dilapidated buildings in the Czech Republic, the empty nest life of Czech retirees, the special cultural atmosphere of the Czech Republic...
No city can imitate this unique style. Literary atmosphere, this innate quietness hidden in the bones. Prague, a city that makes me imagine, people seem to live in paradise, treat people with courtesy and live in peace.
The old man has dreamed of young and exposed women in his dreams many times. It's not that the old man doesn't love his old lady, we have to understand the feeling of facing a nagging old lady all day long. And the doctor who abandoned his wife is obviously not very kind. What he longs for is a storm that can relieve him of fever, maybe he has not yet reached the age of longing for peace. The vice-principal and his father-in-law colluded with jokes that made people feel hopeful in life.
In the end, the surprise really gave us a big surprise. In order to surprise the old lady and give the old lady a romance, the old man actually thought of such a way. Do we young people have to think about what kind of romance we can give the people around us? I think the lines of the movie come together at the end. The old lady always said that the old man didn't care about herself and was no longer romantic, but the old man put a lot of effort into making the old lady experience romance. I thought that the old lady hated the old man, but she changed her hairstyle and was the only one to go to the old man and please the old man. The final explanation of the smoke is also so happy, I want to die before you, I don't want to see your grave. Romance is so deeply hidden... The
lifeline of love never ends. With a generous attitude, let 's feel this deep love quietly.

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