This is war

Mortimer 2022-03-20 09:01:09

I started watching yesterday, and I finished watching the brothers at this time. Not many, 10 episodes, 10 hours. As long as I watch it, I don’t want to stop. We don’t know how much of the story is part of the story without experiencing that war. I can only say He restored us a very real battlefield.
I have watched too many old-fashioned war films. Some generals are pointing at the command post to easily break the enemy, some soldiers are rushing to bet on bullets and shells in order to save those so and so, and some enemies fall down a blockbuster but they can easily hide themselves. Someone who shoots bullets treats prisoners more closely than their own fathers. Someone who dies and cries out a large movie. War-themed movies often emphasize their lives from the standpoint of the filming party. How precious, how cruel and inhumane the opponent’s soldiers are, this is very narrow, but in this whole film we can see that there are timidity, fear, friendship, friction, meritorious service, this is the real battlefield, and this is true. War is divided into justice and injustice. There are good and bad people, but one thing is that when people make mistakes and are impulsive, the truth is to let people know that the truth is respect for history and also respect for those soldiers’ military careers. It’s too perfect. On the contrary, it is not beautiful. I was very upset when I saw the second part of "Bright Sword"

. There is no exaggerated language in the whole brotherhood. Everything is so simple. What impressed me the most was that the German officers treated their soldiers before surrendering in the last episode. That said,
"This is a long war, and also an arduous war. You fought bravely and proudly for the motherland. You are an extraordinary group, closely linked to each other. This kind of friendship exists only in battle. In. Like brothers, use the foxhole together and support each other when you need it most. You face death together and accept hardship together. Finally, what I want to say is that I feel that I can serve with each of you. Pride. You have the right to live a happy and peaceful life forever"

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Extended Reading

Band of Brothers quotes

  • Liebgott: So what did you study?

    Pvt. David Kenyon Webster: Literature.

    Liebgott: You're kidding me! I love to read.

    Pvt. David Kenyon Webster: Really?

    Liebgott: Yeah. Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon mostly.

  • [Translating a speech a German General is giving to his men after they all surrendered]

    Liebgott: Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond, that exists only in combat, among brothers. You've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and suffered together. I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy lives in peace.