Beautiful miracle

Ludwig 2022-03-20 09:01:16

The Chronicles of Narnia.
We are also legends.
Louis used his pen to describe what a lovely kingdom full of hope and freedom.

The little mouse said, "You humans really have no imagination."
This is probably what Louis wants to say to people. The adults are so boring. They no longer believe in fairy tales, nor in magic, nor in talking mice, in horses and horses, in walking trees, in miracles, in salvation, in redemption, in God. They acted in accordance with the rules and regulations, losing all their imagination and freedom bit by bit.

The mouse’s tail will recover, just like the soldier’s ears will recover.
The river will rise up to defeat the bad people, just like the majesty of the Jews when they crossed the Red Sea.
The dead dwarves can be resurrected, Jesus resurrected Nazarus, and Peter had the power of the Lord to resurrect Dorcas.
One drop of the magical medicine that can heal all wounds, Jesus healed women who had been bleeding for many years.

So, what a hopeful completion and a comforting world this is. Illnesses can be cured, those lost can come back, dead and resurrected, there is a man who is a kind and powerful king who will never abandon, release and hope, forgiveness and freedom.
This world has a reason, a home, a salvation, a grace, a new life, a homeland, and a pure homeland. It is pure and flawless, peaceful and beautiful. It is really prepared for you, for your pure and flawless soul. , There is help, there is light to illuminate the way forward, there is an angel of God coming down to tell you, there is revelation, there is eternal love.

If we live in a world where materialism is meaningless, we die as nothing but a pile of loess, this is a cold material world, this world is full of so much suffering, disease, helplessness, anxiety, wailing, countless Desperate with. . . No one comes to save us. We can only support ourselves with fate, struggle hard, and then resist tragically, or give up numbly. Little by little, we became unimaginative, dull and boring.

Reading Chapter 12 of Acts, Peter was taken out of prison by an angel. Peter himself did not believe that he was an angel. He just saw a vision and followed the angel. But found out that he did indeed return home.

"Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people, miracles only happen to people who believe in miracles."
----------- Dedicated to all those who still believe in miracles and innocence.

Jesus said, unless you turn back and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:3)

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Extended Reading

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe quotes

  • Jadis The White Witch: You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan.

    Aslan: His offense was not against you.

    Jadis The White Witch: Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia has been built?

    Aslan: [almost a roar] Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written.

    Jadis The White Witch: Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property

    Peter Pevensie: [pulls out his sword] Try and take him then.

    Jadis The White Witch: Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right little king? Aslan knows that in this, I had blood as the law demands. All of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. That boy will die on the stone table... as is tradition. You dare not to refuse me.

    Aslan: Enough. I shall talk with you alone.

  • Aslan: She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood.

    [Everybody cheers]

    Jadis The White Witch: How do I know your promise will be kept?

    [Aslan roars]