As an animation party, people can't afford to hurt

Darion 2022-03-20 09:01:40

First of all, I went to see a movie because of the animation. Then, the facts once again proved that all adaptations and animations are to die! ! !
It was Katara and Sokka who appeared at the beginning, and everyone from the Shui Shan clan should be brown, brown, and brown! As a result, I blinded my eyes! On the contrary, in my most beloved animation, Prince Zuko and Uncle Ailong, who are very cute and white, turned into a mass of black and mama.•••It was a
big blow! I was watching the movie for His Royal Highness! Who is that Indian guy with a bitter look and can't see his facial expressions! Seeing him reminds me of Raj in The Big Bang Theory who dare not talk to women! ! ! Oh no, Raj is cuter than him!
Anime Avatar is very happy, Aang is a little Zhengtai who has a crush on Katara~ (wild monkey?); Katara is a good girl who is generous and aware of her body, (the growing royal sister~); Sokka is very funny and funny He likes to tell bad jokes (because the younger sister is capable, so the elder brother is usually incompetent, which is a general truth.); the dearest prince Zuko is a very cute and arrogant one; Iroh is smiling like coach Anxi. Gentle and considerate life mentor~ In the
end, everyone's personalities are different from the original, okay? In the movie, I only saw a stern face, a frown or a frown, please give me a smile, please . Can't your sister respect the original work? I don't want to see the face-paralyzed Loli and the face-paralyzed Zhengtai fall in love, okay?
Also, the plot was too fast and incoherent, and it changed locations within ten minutes. Although the scenes are very good, they look very beautiful and gorgeous, especially the Arctic Shuishan tribe, and the house is very Chinese and atmospheric, but I still want to watch the plot.
It is said that when Aang was channeled, the forest had the atmosphere of a third-rate ghost movie. When Uncle Zhao killed the fish, the fish died without the blood on the knife. Moon Spirit, you are also a fetish creature. Moreover, the director, Uncle Zhao, as the biggest villain BOSS in the movie, is too easy to hang up. Princess Moon has a good face, but it is really weird with the hairstyle of the real person Ziyin in Gujian. Princess Azula at the end of the video Are you sure your face isn't twitching?
Moreover, I think the only detail of the director is that he has been taking close-ups of Aang's eyes. When he sees him, he can only think of the words "big eyes and long eyelashes".
However, it is worth commending that the soldiers' costumes of Fire Nation are not bad, everyone's clothes are also very original, prince Zuko's mask is very good, everyone's Tai Chi is also good, Appa and Momo are very realistic, and I like the special effects.
I would have liked it even more if all the actors and writers were changed.

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The Last Airbender quotes

  • Aang: [to Zuko] We could be friends, you know.

  • Aang: Earthbenders! Why are you acting this way? You are powerful and amazing people! You don't need to live like this! There is earth right beneath your feet! The ground is an extension of who you are!