Maybe I haven’t really grown up yet, but they are really old

Missouri 2022-03-20 09:01:19

Yesterday afternoon, Tiangong did not respond to the rainy weather, and the huge empty home was filled with coldness. Standing in the corner of the bar, he finished watching the second half of "50/50".
The handling methods are not so clever, and the script has no magical aura that flashes brightly. The actors and actors are also performing their duties. But it still touched me. Perhaps a large part of the reason is due to the soundtrack, and more likely because in the cold afternoon, a plain story of happy ending brings some warmth.

Not to mention the anti-cancer spirit or the eternal meaning of those who fail others in love or the great friendship or the short life. The sentence that caught my tears all at once was said by psy mm as if it were written: you can 't change who your parents are, the only thing you can change is how you choose to deal with that.
Jiong Jiong Cerf wrinkled brow, said that this life is the reason why should not a doctor motherhood and then let the patient's own epiphany out What.
But it works, and you have to thank this rookie doctor mm, because of this truth, if no one instills you, it is often too late when you realize it. Because maybe we have not really grown up, but they are really old.

When I returned to my hometown this Spring Festival, my mother said that we had to go back and have a look while grandpa was still around. New Year’s Eve was spent in the ward. My parents and my only grandchild ate some Chinese New Year’s food next to the bed. The TV that could only receive the Central One TV was performing the Spring Festival Gala noisily, and the company was almost half vegetative. His grandfather lay there, not knowing whether he was awake or asleep. There was a heavy snowfall outside, and everyone said to the trembling grandma, how good it is to guard the old man to celebrate the New Year together.
I remember when I was a child, on New Year’s Eve dinner, grandma made dumplings, grandpa cooked dumplings, and then went downstairs at 11:30. Grandpa and uncle lighted firecrackers, and I hid in the corridor on the first floor, stomping my feet and covering my ears to watch the fireworks. New Year's Eve is there every year, but such a day will never happen again.

At the beginning of the year everyone gathered for a meal, and people from the parents' generation talked about provoking a son-in-law to marry a daughter-in-law. Uncle suddenly remembered a story, saying that when he was young, grandpa told him that how to see if the girl is a good tutor depends on how she peels the apple. If the apple peel can be connected continuously, it can wrap around on the apple after peeling. , That's a good girl who can manage a family. It was the first time I heard about this, and it was quite unexpected, because before I went to elementary school, my grandma took me, but I still cut the apples deeply and shallowly into pieces.

Maybe my grandpa taught me how to peel an apple, maybe he wouldn't want me to take a knife at all. Many things I didn't remember when I was a child were repeated and repeated by adults one by one, so that the stories in their mouths seemed to make up a blurry picture in my mind.
By the time the memory was clear, I had already left my hometown to go to elementary school and junior high school, but my grandfather at that time was already very confused. I remember going back to see him one summer vacation. Grandpa asked me how many classmates in my class, how many boys and girls, and repeated it several times. I became impatient, so he asked how many students in my dormitory, how many boys and girls. I laughed and said to my mother and grandma in the distance, you see, grandpa is confused, how can you even ask how many men and women there are in the dormitory! Probably the tone was mocking, but I couldn't realize it at the time. So grandpa no longer had nothing to say, so he sat there quietly.
The last few years before grandpa collapsed completely on the bed, he had been sitting quietly. Every day when the sun was high, he would take a small horse and sit at the intersection next to the green belt of the community to look at the sun and see the occasional passers-by, because family members said that the elderly are good for the health if they go out to sunbathe. He doesn't like chatting with other old men and women, avoiding the pavilion where everyone goes to enjoy the shade, and chooses to sit quietly by himself. Once I sat with him for a while. It should have been one afternoon. He was rubbing two iron balls in his hands. They are the kind of brain balls that are said to prevent dementia. The sun gradually goes down and the wind gradually cools down. I don’t know. What should I say to grandpa, grandpa didn't mean to say anything to me. When I was very young, I liked to go swimming with my grandpa to the beach and talk to him, but at that time I was not very old and he was not very old, but there was nothing to say. I just sat next to him, waiting for the last ray of sunshine to shine on the fig tree, and then I could go home for dinner.
Thinking about it now, those balls for preventing Alzheimer’s disease, sunbathing and health care are all excuses for comfort or deception. I even suspect that it is that way of sitting quietly without time awareness that makes grandpa sit idly at last, and sleepy one day now. No one knew him for twenty hours. My grandfather used to be a brain doctor. He has been on the battlefield to avoid enemy bullets. He can do craniotomy for a whole day without getting tired. But now he was lying on the hospital bed like that, and he didn't know anyone anymore.

But I had never thought about it before, and I don't dare to think about it now, what is in my mind when my grandpa sits quietly at the intersection every day.

I recently discovered that I seem to have nothing to say with my parents. Since I was young, I have lived in school and then went to Beijing to study. In the past ten years, I may live together for no more than three months a year. Now they don’t seem to understand what I’m up to, and I don’t know what they are doing every day. Naturally, there is nothing to say except when eating and drinking. I can feel that they love me and want to care about me, but in their minds, I still look like before going out to middle school. They didn't expect to become so big and changed so much in a blink of an eye. They don't know where to start. And I, busy reading, busy dealing with my peers, too busy, have no time to talk to them. They talk too fast, they don't understand, they always repeat those old tunes, and when I look bored, they get even more angry, I shut up and stopped talking, and learned to prevaricate.

But when I watched 50/50, I suddenly realized that they were about to become the old grandfathers. For example, I asked me many times about one thing, and I explained many times, and they didn’t understand it. For example, I can do that to my friends. Be patient, my parents can also be so patient with their friends and colleagues, but we are always impatient with each other. Suddenly they became scared. They have passed their young and even mature days, slowly and irresistibly old, and I still can't get along with them who are getting old. Maybe they are really old before I really grow up.

So when the doctor mm listened to Jiao Cerf’s complaint, he asked: "so she's got this husband that can't talk to her and this son that won't? "
Almost the same as Jiao Cerf, I am also there, yes, i guess.
"Makes you kind of a dick."

I always firmly believe that people can be changed, because I myself have worked hard to get rid of some of the habits my parents left me that I think are bad, and I do Slowly thinking about the change in direction that I think is better. I have also influenced some friends, they told me personally, because I they have made some good changes. I thought I could apply this formula to my parents. However, I was wrong. As long as there is a rule, there will be an exception, and this exception is the parent. Between parents and children, there are no rules or formulas that can be applied.

Fortunately, although the doctor mm is young and has little qualifications, he also hit the nail on the head by mistake: the only thing you can change, is how you choose to deal with that.

One day, they will also become my child's grandfather Grandma. And before that, I have to learn how to get along with them.

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50/50 quotes

  • Mitch: Why haven't we met Rachel?

    Alan: Yeah! What the fuck?

  • Adam: See, but... that's bullshit. That's what everyone has been telling me since the beginning. "Oh, you're gonna be okay," and "Oh, everything's fine," and like, it's not... It makes it worse... that no one will just come out and say it. Like, "hey man, you're gonna die."