Some movies are as quiet as water

Davonte 2022-03-19 09:01:04

Some movies are as surging as the sea, and some movies are as quiet as water.
The film was adapted from the first of the Smiley series of novels written by Le Carre. It was adapted into a classic TV series by the BBC in 1979 and received high praise. With such a high-level previous work, it takes a lot of courage to make a movie. Fortunately, the director has a good grasp of the gloomy atmosphere in the novel. It can be said that this is the film that is closest to the real life of a spy, because Le Carré worked in the espionage department in his early years. Of course, this may also be the least explosive spy movie. There are no high-tech tools, no car chases, no blasting guns, and there are just a few non-stop conversations and memories of a few British guys.
"Quiet as water" is not just a matter of saying it, but the specific expression is that 15 minutes have passed since the movie began when the protagonist Smiley said the first sentence. The first ten minutes are particularly brilliant. The scene explains a lot of important information from the very beginning, and it also brings out the atmosphere of the whole film. The first line is "Aren't you being followed?", which clearly tells you that the movie is about a spy. Then the boss said "don't trust anyone" and explained the story in the future. The story is not only about a spy, but also about a double agent, so no one can believe it. And then there is the cause of all stories: a failed operation. Then the boss stepped down and Smiley retired. A couple of shots of them walking out of the office show most of the characters that will be played next, this shot I think is the best use of the 2011 movie except for a few shots from "The Tree of Life" , in one go, the aura is strong, and the atmosphere of the whole film is established.
Gary Oldman, who plays Smiley, has the best performance in the film. Although he looks more like a serial character and does not have a lot of scenes, Gary Oldman plays with ease and quietness. Knowing him also starts with "Killer Leon", in which he plays the elegant but neurotic bad cop, and his explosive performance is impressive. In this film, it is completely different, and it is more appropriate to describe it with calmness. Several other actors are also not small, including Oscar winner Colin Fiennes, veteran actor John Hurt (he played Dumbledore!), and the peculiar Toby Jones (voicing Dobby the elf) , newcomer Benedict Cumberbatch, and a host of British actors. Watching them play in the movie is probably the most interesting thing about this movie.
It's just a pity that it's too hard to explain all the content of a book in 2 hours, because there are too many characters involved and too complicated, so the first time you read it, it will feel like it's too long, and it will make some people get used to the tight plot. The Hollywood blockbuster people feel bored and feel a little bit led by the original story. Fortunately, the director and screenwriter did not rush to explain everything clearly, but chose to take it slow. It’s okay if you didn’t understand it at first. Give yourself a little time, and you will always find the unique style of British films, especially It's when the costumes and stage art are so elegant and the camera lens is so powerful.
This film escaped our tired eyes from the bombardment of Hollywood blockbusters. It's been too long since we saw such a calm and sophisticated British film. Some movies are like a surging sea, but unfortunately the tide has been rising but not ebb, which makes people feel tired. This movie is like a quiet lake. Although it is calm on the surface, it is actually surging, just like Oldman's performance, gloomy But without losing the explosive power, it is worth seeing!

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