Bette's process of rediscovering herself

Andy 2022-03-21 09:03:17

in this betrayal, the victim is of course T, but she is not innocent.
In the second season, what we see is B's repentance and salvation. The screenwriter presented her repentance process in detail. I think this process is the process of B re-acquainting herself and T. I divided this process into four stages: In the first stage, the betrayal made B's life deviated from the predetermined track. Her panic came from the loss of control of her behavior, and her self-blame came from slack in her sense of responsibility. As the center, I can't see T's already enlarged belly (it can be seen when she sleeps with the carpenter at night, and runs to the planet early in the morning to express a painless apology to T); in the second paragraph, B finds T Pregnant, at this time, she is more guilty, thinking that she did not give T in time when she should receive more favors, but cheated on her. The always responsible adult B called herself a beast all day long. Unfortunately, she still thinks she is Very powerful, didn't realize T's power (that pain when she ran to Jenny and called herself a joke on the planet); 3rd paragraph, T hires a lawyer to launch a strong attack on B, threatening her with a complete separation , At this time, B felt that her authority was being ruthlessly challenged. Although it was difficult to accept, she was helpless. The smart T relied on the dual power of love and morality to slowly tame her; in the fourth paragraph, B failed to apply for funds, but T won a big The victory made her realize the power of T (at the end, when she congratulated T with a large bouquet of flowers, there was nothing but reverence and pride in her eyes). In the end, BT finally clasped his hands when he saw his daughter's placenta, realizing the reconciliation after the first breakup.
In this process, I have to mention B's father. He fought against the disease and finally passed away, which not only made B aware of the fragility of life, but also made B see that no matter how powerful people are, their strength is limited, and they must accept challenges. will fail.
In addition, there is their yet-to-be-born child, Little A. Her growth and birth have given B a new lease of life and regained her passion.
Therefore, the elderly and children not only make the family structure complete, but also make couples re-examine their past and future, and re-understand themselves in support and education.

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The L Word quotes

  • Kit Porter: Let me talk to Tina.

    Bette: What would you say?

    Kit Porter: That my sister is a pootie chasin' dog, who deserves to be tied down and whupped upside the head, but it doesn't change the fact that she loves you more than she loves her own life. And that you should finish punishing her and get back to figuring on how to live with one another for the next 50 years or more.

    Bette: You could give it a try.

    [Goes to take a bite of food, and stops, looking as if she's about to cry]

    Kit Porter: Now don't you go and pull a Marina on me now.

  • Alice: Dana.

    [short pause]

    Alice: You have a really nice ass.

    [slowly moves her hand and touches Dana's ass]

    Alice: [they start having rough sex with '80s pop music in background]

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