All kinds of dirt in "The President's Killing Bureau"

Ada 2022-03-19 09:01:04

(WeChat public account: shenshike-HK)

"The Presidential Killing Bureau", the English name "The Ides of March", means March 15, the day Caesar was assassinated. The assassination in the film is not the assassination of the other, but it is equally turbulent and dangerous.

The film begins with a long stretch, with a handsome, upright, idealistic governor, Morris, running for president, served by a group of shrewd campaign staff, experienced Paul, and more intelligent and sharp. Young think tank Steve. The campaign was fierce, but compared to the "assassination" that followed, it was a drizzle.

A private phone call from a rival's staff, a one-night stand with a female trainee, and the plot took a turn for the worse. What lay in front of us was all the dirtiness of the campaign: dirtier things, and dirtier people.

Morris, Uncle George Clooney took time out of his busy schedule to play the role himself. How brilliant was it at the beginning? He insists on his beliefs, refuses to use any means for the votes, and refuses to promise the belligerent Secretary of State Thompson for the benefit of his own election; a happy and happy family life, and his wife's love and sweetness; friendly and friendly to the campaign staff... But the truth is that : He slept with a female trainee, which caused her to become pregnant, and died after accidentally swallowing a large amount of drugs after an induced abortion. Not to mention his hypocrisy and betrayal of his wife, he was indirectly responsible for the death of a living life. And he was indifferent, without any unease of conscience, but when he learned that he might be ruined, his ideals and positions were not worth mentioning, he did not hesitate to accept blackmail and coercion, and reach an agreement as soon as possible. Whether he fired Steve after listening to Paul's words, or fired Paul under Steve's coercion, he had absolutely no feelings for his staff, and only put his own interests first.
This is the politician, sanctimonious, shameless, renegade, greedy—the desire for power, or the desire for lasciviousness. Come to think of it, that's the kind of stuff that sits in the White House, as well as in the seat of the head of any country.

Ida, this aunt is very familiar. She played the yelling middle school female teacher in this year's hit films Stupid, Crazy, and Love. As a reporter for "Times", it's right to have to dig for information, but Ida is also a false and incredulous, turning her face ruthlessly. To Paul and Steve as friends, to flatter and win over, once there is a chance, there is something to be expected, and they will chase after them without mercy. Did Steve say we're not friends? Ida: Come on, if I wasn't a reporter from The Times, would you treat me like a fairy?
After Steve sat up, Ida chased after him to get the material and said: We are best friends. Steve: We are best friends. Tell the guards to keep her outside and cool off. Does Ida deserve it? Now, where did it come from? Aggressive, and finally put a stone on his own foot.
No wonder some people say: reporters are prostitutes.

Tom Duffy, the chief think tank in the Pullman camp, Morris's main rival. This man is so bad, so bad. He saw that although Steve was smart, he was inexperienced with the evil of human nature, and he set a trap. He got hold of Steve's little vanity and told Steve to go out: You're so smart, you're so different, come with me. When Steve turned his back on the road, he told Steve to go away. All the sweet words before were just to sing a countermeasure.
Tom didn't use an honest approach to help select Pullman, he was playing tricks and tricks.

Paul, the "innocent lover" that Steve had on the surface, was just as dirty, hypocritical, cunning, ruthless. He kept saying that a person's loyalty is very important, and mutual trust is very important. As soon as he turned around, he stabbed Steve fiercely behind his back. Seeing Steve in a state of embarrassment, he felt relieved, right? It's time to announce to Steve: You've been fired. Is this what a person who pays attention to loyalty and affection as he advertises should behave? Steve did something wrong. You don't like his way. As a mentor, you can give him a chance. If you can't give a chance, you can also say generously: I can't accept and forgive you, please go. Is it so hard to be so open and aboveboard? !
In addition to experience, Paul's talents are also very questionable. Many good suggestions were suggested by Steve to help the selection. Jealousy of talent, finding an excuse to fire Steve might be a hidden reason.

Last but not least, Steve, who may be the real idealist, certainly at the beginning. When he met Tom privately, he said: "I used to play dirty tricks, and now I meet Morris, I don't have to. He believed that Morris would change people's lives. However, as the female reporter Ida said: sooner or later, politicians will not be able to hold on, and they will be disappointing. Steve finds Morris mean and hypocritical, and the idol falls to the ground.

He has always regarded Paul as a good teacher and friend in his heart. Even though vanity and curiosity play a role, he goes to meet the enemy privately, but no matter how big the mistake, he has not made any substantial betrayal, and his conscience is still blamed. And his "good teacher and friend" is so unfeeling towards him, why not make him angry? Jedi counterattack?

Although he is not so dirty yet, his yearning for power and success will become uncompromising and ruthless as he survives in this dirty political game. With his aptitude and this setback Let him eat a long time and become wiser, I believe he will get along well and be able to handle it with ease.

The night of watching this "President Killing Bureau", January 15, 2011, coincided with the Taiwan general election. After watching the movie, I just announced that Brother Ma won. Also a coincidence.

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The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!