Visual enjoyment, general logic.

Kristian 2022-03-20 09:01:23

Judging from flying back to Washington at the end of the film, the previous planet of apes was the earth, so how did the earth fall into the rule of the apes? Tim Burton's world of the apes is only one episode, maybe he doesn't have time to explain, maybe he doesn't want to explain at all, the result is that a group of orangutans bred in the space station eventually rule the earth, which is a flaw in the setting.
In the end, the ending of the Planet of the Apes was also a little vague. The apes understood their origin and saw the scene of "The Return of the Holy One", so they can abandon the entire world view and live in peace with humans? ! Doesn't that mean they're all idiots? !
Visually, it looks better than the old version, but the story is just so-so. This remake of Tim Burton won't do much good, but the performances of several actors are still worth watching, especially the chimpanzee general played by Tim Ross.

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Extended Reading

Planet of the Apes quotes

  • Captain Leo Davidson: We're in control now! We're the 800 pound gorilla!

  • Limbo: [referring to cuffs] No, no, no, I don't need those anymore.

    Gunnar: Says who?

    Limbo: Says them! They tried to KILL me! Like I was nothing but a - miserable...

    Gunnar: Human?