Snowy Christmas glowing white house

Jettie 2022-12-05 21:39:32

It's the second day of Christmas, but a Christmas-related movie seems to be able to pull the time back to the past good things are always crazy I'm really happy that I can buy and move back a bunch of light bulbs. The dream is very simple. I can see all the lights in our house from space. Finally, one day, I will really see it. . . Only when I speak to myself in an empty house can I clearly hear my own voice, so it turns out that I don’t like talking in a noisy crowd, and I don’t like singing in a crowded KTV. I don’t like myself in those scenes. The louder it is, the easier it is to not hear it. Qingyue was trying hard, but the more she lost her true voice, she calmed down and listened to herself and looked at the faint light. . .

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Deck the Halls quotes

  • Buddy Hall: I want my house to be seen from space!

  • Tia Hall: This is the most clothes they have worn in years!