book of laws

Clair 2022-10-11 15:20:05

1. Many people think the beginning is long-winded, but I don't agree. A good story requires patience and stillness, and many modern people don't know what the two are. The setting of the large narration and scenery at the beginning may be screening and screening the audience. The audience chooses the movie, and the movie chooses the audience.

2. Old people tell stories to express truth. The truth of this story, I think, is about laws. Those fish-like swimming in the rivers of time and nature, finally preserved and established rules.
With this law, if you want, you can go and break it. But the premise is to be prepared to pay the price. This price includes the price that you cannot bear, such as the death of a loved one, as well as the price of bearing the possibility that things will backfire in the end.

This is a sweet little slap to the arrogance and ignorance of modern people.

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Ten Canoes quotes

  • The group: [all walking in a line]

    Canoeist: Everyone stop!

    [all stop and turn]

    The Storyteller: That one is Djigirr. Djigirr talk too much, but maybe he heard something.

    Canoeist: I refuse to walk at the end. Someone ahead keeps farting.

    The group: [laughter] Not me. Not me.

    Canoeist: It's you again. You're always so silent. Silent but deadly. Admit it.

    Canoeist: Alright, it's me.

    Canoeist: You're rotten inside.

    Canoeist: I'm rotten inside.

    Canoeist: You get to the end of line.