Come and play chess with the president

Johnathan 2022-03-16 09:01:03

"I'm not a Christian, I'm not an atheist, I don't believe in Judaism, I don't believe in Islam, and when it comes to my religious beliefs, what I believe in is called the 'United States Constitution'." The movie begins, full of political implications. Although this type of subject matter has always been unfortunate, "President Killing Bureau" starts with politicians and guides us into a sultry election whirlpool, with a very ironic drama. It's just a movie that shows George Clooney's cynicism all the time, just don't take it seriously.

The original title of the film "March 15th" literally means "the day of the full moon in March". Dark and cruel. Therefore, every politician in the film cannot be kind, at least in the eyes of Hollywood filmmakers. The story takes place during the 2004 US election. It is full of Hollywood-style routines to tell the story. What goes deep into the core is not the extraordinary "great achievements" of a politician. George Clooney deliberately incorporates very commercial elements such as black box operations and peach disputes into the film. A suspenseful color, a little less serious and dull, and that's exactly what the movie is, although it didn't give us many surprises, it was very good-looking.

Politics itself is full of concealment, but looking at this "President Killing Bureau" backwards is too straightforward. The secrets of the characters are exposed by the incomplete human nature, the selfish desires and masks seem to be magnified many times, everyone needs to protect themselves, and they need to be cautious in doing things. After the word politics is loaded with too many derogatory words, the film seems very helpless , although the story has tension, it cannot be improved. It is limited to a critical state, and with those dark and gloomy tone, "President Killing Bureau" is still too negative and negative.

To say that it has practical significance, I would not dare to conclude that, after all, politics can be very complicated and mysterious, or it can be very simple and open, but the characters involved in these events, as subjects, must do everything possible to maintain their own image. To realize the dream, it is hard to say that the city is too deep. Fortunately, the story is basically based on a relatively real basis, otherwise the peach incident and media participation would not seem to be alluding to the "Lewinsky Incident".

You see the shrewdness of George Clooney. Even if he is satirized, he has reserved a stroke. After all, in the eyes of many people, human beings are victims of politics. Everyone is manipulated, and the president is no exception. Once the "handle" is caught, it can't be let go, regardless of means, ambition is a theme that the film wants to express, although it faces irony, it shows powerlessness in a cynical state, this is a game of chess, everyone will Win, but not everyone wins all the time.

The ensemble of the movie is excellent. Mixed with calm but explosive performances, whether it is George Clooney, who has the charisma, or Ryan Gosling, who is both good and evil, they are restrained by each other. Under the compact story, the performance of the two is full of sword-drawn duels. , plus Philip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti, Evan Rachel Wood and Melissa Tomei and other acting groups set off, the film maintains a high level of sophisticated production.

Although the line of "President Killing Bureau" is very ordinary, it does not hinder its wonderfulness. Maybe everyone is a politician, so we can see some "big truths" that make people sneer and helpless from this movie.

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Extended Reading

The Ides of March quotes

  • [first lines]

    Stephen Meyers: I'm not a Christian. I'm not an Atheist. I'm not Jewish. I'm not Muslim. My religion, what I believe in is called the Constitution of United States of America.

  • Stephen Meyers: I can't find the goddamn polls!