Chasing love is an unfair procedure

Percival 2022-03-21 09:01:17

I didn't cry, I didn't feel moved, just marveled. I said to my mother time and time again, oh my god, it's so beautiful. Of course, in the last 40 minutes my lines became, no, no, no~ yes~ right~

Okay, let’s talk about it from the front.

From the time the R&D head said did God ask Adam to love him, I was completely hooked. This moral question is based on this metaphor. We are just robots made by God. Does he want us to love him? Does he love us? I once read a four-frame funny comic, in the first frame God looked at the war and said that he really shouldn't engage with these people, the second God looked at nuclear weapons and said he really shouldn't engage these people, the third frame he launched a flood, the third one. Four he thought slyly, I'd better go and raise a planet cat. Humans are nasty stupid creatures, and of course I suspect the god who made us all troublesome isn't too smart, but so what? Who says we want his love and he wants our worship? (if there is a god) (my cosmology is flexible) It

seems to me that Monica doesn't love David at all, and never tried to love him. From the beginning, David was just an advanced robot to replace his dead son. Even if she activated him solemnly, it was just an impulse, with a little freshness. You know there are things you are not sure about, but you will do them. No experience, how can the loved one understand the importance of eternal love. Probably because it won't hurt, or it wasn't her who hurt, so it worth a shot.

Sooner or later she will abandon him, no matter how unbearable it is. But if you don't love to face deep love, you only have the cruel heart born from boredom. From a small side, human nature is inherently cheap, no matter how insidious the little brat is, it is a good thing. Monica, when he reaches adolescence and no longer clings to you like a child, will you remember David's sincerity and kindness to you, his desperation and helplessness when you left him, and his presence in your rearview mirror An increasingly blurred little figure.

The old robots all know that humans are afraid of robots and let them die so lowly, but they also die calmly without complaining, just turning off the pain switch. David, who has evolved his logical ability, is desperately searching for the Blue Fairy. Because he loves his mother. This obsession is because of the program. But will my mother love him? How can you ask a human to give back to an ironclad program with stingy affection? The place where the lion weeps is where his faith collapses again and again. No longer unique, this is the most cruel thing. Then, perhaps dizzy or disheartened, he fell into the sea. But the bright side is that the blue fairy smiled at him in the deep sea. Then came the heartbreaking narration that David waited for two thousand years.

Waiting for the alien paper man. The bodhisattva alien gave David a dream come true. This dream, a bit cold, has an obvious Oedipus plot: there are no other men, and David and his mother are forever old. And doesn't it mean that Monica still has a memory, why didn't she ask Henry Martin where he went?

Joe and Teddy are both characters I love very much. Support, rescue and companionship are loyalty that rarely exists in human beings.
Isn't Joe's appearance a little spoof ugly? When he came out, my mom and I had a heated discussion about whether this was grown-up David because they both have beautiful blue eyes. To have such a sweet-hearted and skilled robot lover should be a blessing for girls in the new century. When he finally shouted, "I am here, I was there, this kind of departure reduces the sense of tragedy of fate." The so-called tragic sense of fate is that he is not the one who kills, he is going to die; he is killed by humans who are weaker than himself.
The teddy bear with the voice of an uncle is the existence I am most concerned about in this story. He rushed to the killing field mixed with the crowd, insisted on asking if you knew David at the hands of the staff, did you see a boy named David, staggered from the lost property to the iron cage to find his little boy, sat down When the co-pilot was frozen, he took out a lock of Monica's hair two thousand years ago from his pocket, what a good friend he was. He actually arranged for him to sit on the bed and watch Monica and David, who had a dream come true, fall asleep together.
Who will take care of him~! !

Well, if it wasn't for the next forty minutes, I would have given it six stars in my heart.

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence quotes

  • [David arrives to the Swinton residence for the first time, taking a step on the wooden floors of the home, taking a second step that makes a second tap]

    David: [looking back to Monica] I like your floor.

  • [David meets the Blue Fairy Mecha]

    Blue Mecha: [David walks towards the Blue Fairy Mecha calling his name from his bedroom] You have been searching for me, haven't you, David?

    David: For my whole life.

    Blue Mecha: And what, after all this time, have you come to ask me?

    David: I have a wish to make.

    Blue Mecha: And what is your wish?

    David: Please make me a real boy... so my mommy will love me and let me stay with her.

    Blue Mecha: David, I will do anything that is possible, but I cannot make you a real boy.