
Juliet 2022-03-01 08:01:19

After watching this film, my heart is very, very complicated, and now there are not many films that can make people's hearts complicated. What I want to say most is that the animal nature with eyes full of eyes is actually our nature, and any "nature goodness theory" is just a good wish. And shame is a noun, an objective existence, or a verb, and it can spread. Africa is not developing as well as said in Hundred Years of Solitude.

The first thing I feel is that we are all driven by primitive desires to pursue sexy, possessive, and lust like male animals. Whether it is the advanced civilization of the white world or primitive Africa, Lurie and African rapists are actually doing the same thing. , the strong and low-level lust that neither the red wine cello nor Byron can hide. It seems like a spiral structure. Western whites occupy the upper layer, and African blacks occupy the lower layer. Whether there is dating, opera, rape or not, women are all under their crotch... From this perspective, this is anti-Western rationality. 's masterpiece.

Also, there is racial discrimination in the film as mentioned in the introduction. In fact, not only are whites discriminating against blacks, they have a sense of superiority in front of blacks, but blacks will also discriminate against whites, but due to long-term discrimination, this discrimination has turned into anger, violence, and hatred. This is also an animal, whether you are a cheetah or a zebra, as long as you are alone, others will discriminate - bully or even hunt, just like Lucy, the white in the black crowd. I have seen a zebra try to trample a young cheetah to death, just like Lucy was gang-raped countless times by black people, this is actually the revenge of the nation, yes, it is the revenge of the whole nation against the nation, her dad plays with Africa Women, behind every African woman is all of Africa. In fact, there are not so many rational ideas in it. If you are alone, and there is no group, you will become the first target of being bullied. Humans are, and so is animal hunting.

Or, the most terrifying thing is that this film is like a ruler, I really want it. Lucy's choice, Lurie thinks is a great shame, and I think so too! Is it also my arrogance and vanity?
Like the daughter of a certain country's leader who feels ashamed and disgusting to sleep with migrant workers? Actually, think about what Lucy didn't do too much. Sexual abuse doesn't have such strict ethical requirements. It's an objective fact in Africa. Africa has African rules, and Lucy just wants to fit in with them. What's wrong? ?

Finally I want to say, for the first time I realized what a horrible thing shame is, it spreads, people who are shamed want revenge, like black people always say they want to kill Lucy, it is Lucy who makes them feel ashamed, humiliated The other party, the other party will find a way to move back to the situation,

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Disgrace quotes

  • Petrus: You say it is bad what happened. I also say it is bad, but now it is finished.

    Professor David Lurie: It's not finished. It will go on long after I'm dead and you're dead.

  • Professor David Lurie: How humiliating, to invite this.

    Lucy: Yes, I agree.

    Professor David Lurie: Like a dog.

    Lucy: Yes, like a dog.