God is with him

Rowan 2022-03-15 09:01:03

There are many beautiful things in this world, but they have no luck. They even have all the conditions for greatness. It's just that luck played a joke on them and was taken away by the streamer in an instant. Looking back, this is often startling. Luck is not material, but it can have a certain influence on the development of things and exists objectively, so we cannot ignore the role of luck in the activities of changing the world.
Those who work hard are controlled by others, and those who work hard wear Rolex. How a man uses his passion and wildness to win the respect of his opponents, how a man embraces his own dreams and advances regardless of his mind until he finally dies heroically.
Many of us may not see the beauty of the system of freedom, constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law in this life, nor will we be so miserable that we go to jail, but we just follow this big environment, neither dying nor living, but there are many beautiful feelings in life. But it is basically in their own hands and should not be missed due to anger or despair.
It doesn't matter even if there is no astronomical tide in this life, as long as there is desire, as long as love and passion never end, even if you never stand on the cusp of the wave, you can enjoy the little joys and beauty in the process of loving life. Every day is exploring, every day is different, every day is living earnestly and with heart.
Bodi is very cool, just cool to the end. Surfing, skydiving, robbing banks, these exciting things made him feel that he was still alive and living freely. This is difficult for people like us who live under the system every day. He did it to the extreme. God was with him in that moment.

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Point Break quotes

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