Three bows to Spielberg~!

Itzel 2022-01-25 08:05:14

Just listening to the title-"Super 8", you can already imagine how nostalgic the film is. "Super 8" is a popular home video camera in the last century. You can make your own movies with 8mm film. Of course, just by listening to the name "Super 8", you might not have noticed this movie, and apart from the big names of Elle Fanning, the others are all unknown. But let's review the production process of this film first, and you will know how attractive the film is.

Last spring JJ Abrams announced that he would collaborate on a movie with Spielberg. Then we looked forward to what the movie was about, but JJ, who was good at whipping up his appetite, didn't intend to tell the audience all the news about the movie. This kind of "viral marketing" made the movie a topic for everyone after dinner. It wasn't until May last year that the movie released its first trailer: the train that was blown up; the wonderful explosions and the cars flying all over the sky... that's it. We were played round and round by JJ, so we increased our expectations for this movie. Later, the second wave of trailers was released during the "Super Bowl" advertising time, but we still don't know what the movie said.

At the beginning, some people said that the film was about a few kids who used Super 8 to make a movie and accidentally shot aliens. Of course, this is only one aspect, you must not define it online, just think that this is a horror film full of science fiction. Maybe you didn't understand some of the humorous passages in the film in China. We saw JJ's nostalgia in some dialogues full of backgrounds of the times. To be precise, this movie was made for middle-aged Americans who have experienced the 1979 year. They remember the "Three Mile Island" nuclear accident; remember that the top name of the Billboard Top 100 hits was "I Love Sharon"; remember the rise of folk radio; remember the disco music of the Blonde Girl Band... it's just like the Chinese The memories of "Bumblebee" and "Smurfs" are the same.

The placement of these nostalgic elements in sci-fi movies is actually not obtrusive. JJ is a director who can tell stories. He starts with the child's vision and arranges the story process very smoothly and full of suspense in a curious state. This approach is similar to "Lost", but in the end we still see the true face of the monster. It's just that you may be disappointed, this monster is too ordinary, not stunning, not scary. But it is precisely this contrast with the plot paved that we can see the birth of an extremely excellent movie. Thinking about it carefully, the movie is mixed with the sense of the times in the science fiction, and the emotions are interspersed in the background of the times, whether it is family affection or Friendship, first love, conflict, or growth all make Americans feel the innocence of that era. And these innocent elements are what "Super 8" ultimately wants to show. Having childlike curiosity is the best way to remember an era. The process of children's adventure is truly touching. Therefore, American talents can get a kind of comfort in "Super 8", because this is the exclusive memory of Americans.

"Super 8" is still a movie with JJ's personal emotions. In fact, we can all see it. Anyone who knows JJ knows that his idol is Spielberg. So when the movie peeped into the adult world from children's vision, we saw the shadow of "ET". Nature movies also have the shadows of "Along with Me" and "Seven Treasures". You can even see the shadow of "Jaws". This kind of child-oriented group drama increases the emotion of paying tribute to the distant era. , So even that mysterious monster is very "alien".

Of course, the film also has some problems. It is too serious in paying tribute, leading to a lack of improvisation and refreshing feeling in the film. But this does not affect the visibility of "Super 8". Looking back, this thriller that combines nostalgia and science fiction perfectly presents the mark of an era. Therefore, this is the best film in the first half of this year.

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Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.