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from weak fear
Marques 2022-03-21 09:01:23
Cary 2022-03-25 09:01:06
The story was not as profound as it had imagined. After a long time, the pig's blood was finally spilled, and the picture became better after that. The clothes are eye-catching, and so are the thighs. Carrie's set is nice (<- hubby's love). When Travolta came out with a smirk, I burst into laughter, and my boyfriend's golden hair kept me distracted from thinking about Robert Plant... Sissy, such a young girl, is actually a wife, liar!
Romaine 2021-10-26 03:31:23
1. In reality, Carrie has no superpowers. 2. The more realistic point of the absurdity (also the highlight of the film): Carrie completely denies the killings after being mad. She can no longer see who is guilty, who is innocent, who is good to her, she is completely out of control of anger and What the twisted heart sees is that everyone is laughing. Even in Sue's dream, he couldn't escape Carrie's bloody hands. 3. If I go back to junior high school, if I have the ability to read, I will burn them all to death. 4. Damn, John Travolta~! Young and really embarrassed.
Carrie: It was bad, Mama. They laughed at me. Hold me, Mama. Please hold me.
Margaret White: I should've killed myself when he put it in me. After the first time, before we were married, Ralph promised never again. He promised, and I believed him. But sin never dies. Sin never dies. At first, it was all right. We lived sinlessly. We slept in the same bed, but we never did it. And then, that night, I saw him looking down at me that way. We got down on our knees to pray for strength. I smelled the whiskey on his breath. Then he took me. He took me, with the stink of filthy roadhouse whiskey on his breath, and I liked it. I liked it! With all that dirty touching of his hands all over me. I should've given you to God when you were born, but I was weak and backsliding, and now the Devil has come home. We'll pray.
Carrie: Yes.
Margaret White: We'll pray. We'll pray. We'll pray for the last time. We'll pray.
Miss Collins: Carrie? Carrie. Carrie, what's the matter? What happened?
Carrie: Nothing.
Miss Collins: Was it one of the girls? Did one of the girls do something to you?
Carrie: No.
Miss Collins: What is it, then? You can trust me, you know that? Would you tell me?
Carrie: I got invited to the prom.
Miss Collins: That's great! That's fantastic! So what are you down here moping around for?
Carrie: Tommy Ross asked me.
Miss Collins: That's even better. He's really cute, huh?
Carrie: I know who he goes around with. They're just trying to trick me again. I know.