Look back after waiting so long

Davonte 2022-01-27 08:02:42

If you don't ever try, you'll never know how it feels like. Yeah, just like Danny and Catherine, at first, they are employer and employee, but as time goes by, after all the things ,ridiculous or werid, they get through, they finally realize who is the most suitable one for themselves. It turns out that the one they are gonna spend the future with is just right here. Sometimes, just like the real life, you have always been waiting for someone, but maybe actually the Mr.right is just behind you ,everytime you put out your hand you are able to reach it ,but you never figure out that he is the one you want.
So, turn around,see whether you have missed something treasure .

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Just Go with It quotes

  • Danny Maccabee: Ooh, the Mafia stare down. Very good, Michael. We're here to negotiate. Do you have anything else you might like?

    Michael: I want a flying pony.

    Danny Maccabee: I want a flying pony, too, but they don't exist.

    Michael: Then I want a regular pony. And I want to name him Nelson.

    Danny Maccabee: How about a PlayStation 3 and we name him Nelson?

    Michael: Keep talking.

    Danny Maccabee: We'll include 4 video games.

    Michael: Five games. I want the meeting with Blondie to be at J.D. McFunnigan's?

    Danny Maccabee: How about Charlie Choo-Choos because it's right down the street from me?

    Michael: You mention that slop-hole again, and I walk.

  • Michael: Mom, before we go can I make a Devlin?