Super 8 (Super 8): Old people see classics everywhere

Deon 2022-01-25 08:05:14

To be honest: I didn't expect much at first, but the trailer of Super 8 was a bit touching, and that's it (and the filmmaker gave a very embarrassing translation).

I was going to see The Hangover Part II (The Hangover Part II), to appreciate the funny second-generation Xiaobai Bradley Cooper (though his handsome is not my dish, it is not true to say that he does not like it), but the opening time is missed , Plus someone said he wants to watch Super 8.

So I went to see how super this 8 is.

The translated name of the film maker erased the face of the film. From the translated title, I can't see the innocence and dreams of this film, nor can I know the main axis and center of gravity of this film. (Although the appearance of this film may be related to whether the film dealer’s dick can be fucked)

Super 8 describes a summer filming incident of an American teenager in the middle of the twentieth century.
(This 8 may be referring to the camera in the young man's hand) The

whole movie has a clean picture. Many scenes like the Japanese film are almost freeze-framed, but they move smoothly while still. The soundtrack is a colossal soundtrack from the great white shark era, retro and vivid.

Although the plot is old, it is as classic as a childhood memory, and it will last forever; the story runs in two or three lines at the same time, and the complicated plot with the hidden foreshadowing looks enjoyable. The protagonist (comfortable) is so cute.

After watching the whole movie, I felt like I ordered shrimp but came with a seafood dinner.

Movies related to the Bulei plot: Kuthra, Jurassic Park, King Kong, ET, the ninth restricted zone.

(Original published at )

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Extended Reading

Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.