Super 8

Haskell 2022-01-25 08:05:14

When I entered the movie theater, I found that many of the people sitting next to them were elderly people, maybe they were in their 50s, but it was the first time to watch a movie with so many elderly people, so I wondered what made this happen. A group of people walked into the cinema.

When I watched the promo, it made me think it was a big suspense and thriller, so I came to watch the movie with a mentality of exploring, but after the movie started, I realized that the promo was all cheating. This movie It's not that simple, and it does have something that will tempt your appetite. As for what it is, I hope you go to the cinema to find it yourself.

Some people complain about it on the Internet. There are many unmatched scenes or unsolved problems. But in my opinion, if a story can evoke some memories of your past, then it will be a good story.

It evokes my memories of ET the most. Although the whole story is about children as the main character, they may not have much in common with each other, but the ending of the story and some scenes in the middle remind me of watching it more than 10 years ago. Those tears in ET were so weak back then, I could shed tears when I watched a movie, and now, no matter how touched I am, I can hold them in my heart, so-called growth.

Some people say that this movie is a tribute to ET, but in my opinion, it is more like a tribute to a large number of filmmakers in the 70s and 80s. It combines many things from that era. I think this is also Why are there so many elderly people in the cinema? When they were young, they just watched movies of their time, and the little protagonists in it might remind them of what they were like at that time.

When we were young, we always had so many dreams, and we would do a lot of absurd things with our little friends. Of course, we would also have a lot of bad memories, but bad memories belong only to the past and we should learn to forget them. Those bad memories, try to recall those good things. Sometimes, letting go is actually the greatest relief for yourself.

In short, this is a suspenseful and thrilling movie that makes people feel warm, and the soundtrack makes people feel very comfortable.

I don’t know how many movies there will be during the summer vacation, but this one is the best I have watched this summer vacation.

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Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.