Every pain can be turned into wealth. Every journey is a journey to the heart.

Kailyn 2022-03-21 09:01:21

Panda 2 fights and kills, showing cuteness, and the children are happy to watch. I was so moved to see it, a story about how to face and accept your anger in order to heal your wounds and ultimately take responsibility for your own happiness.
Maybe not everyone has the experience of being abandoned by their parents, but everyone has a growth process of asking who they are. Before Abao left his hometown, Dad Goose wanted to keep him. He said, no matter if you can save the Central Plains, you will is my son. At this time, A Bao had never experienced the journey and could not understand this sentence. He has to get on his way.
Although he remembered the master's instructions on "Meditation", his heart was so messed up that it was very painful. And Phoenix is ​​just a metaphor. Is the Holy Peacock a big bad guy? In fact, the enemy we encounter is just another self. Why do this analysis? It's easy to find that they all have experiences of what they consider themselves to be abandoned by their parents. Peacock is a treasure in the palm of parents, why do you have such a deep understanding of yourself not being loved by your parents? In fact, the panda and the peacock are the same person, but one looks chubby and the other is very thin.
The Phoenix City is in the sky, representing the inner anger, and the ultimate weapon artillery also represents the powerful lethality of anger. If there is no awareness and no acknowledgement of anger, its destructive power is enormous. After Abao was injured for the first time, that is, after feeling the hurt of anger, he had an enlightenment, which also corresponds to every pain, as long as you face it bravely, it can be transformed into wealth. The shaman was also a physician in ancient times, and the insight of Yang Xiangu helped it and encouraged it to face its own pain, which is the role played by a psychological counselor. Water is a symbol of emotion, and the crystal clear dew represents the love in the depths of memory. It feels that love, and it also feels power. Love is the best healing. Maybe your story doesn't start with happiness, but that doesn't mean you're going to spend your life this way. This sentence is very simple to say. It is about forgiveness and letting go, but sometimes it is difficult to understand. In more cases, if there is an opportunity to make the person feel loved, it can lay the foundation for this realization. solid foundation. Also, Po is fortunate to have a bunch of die-hard friends, and this is one's social support system, which really helps him.
In the end, when it finally understood meditation, the master said, so young. Hehe, it's actually very difficult. Finally, the peacock rushed to the estuary, which was a complete catharsis of emotion. And how did Po avoid being hurt by the fireball? He caught it, and the fireball turned into water droplets. It caught it, and then the force shifted away. So, if it's not for you to take the damage yourself, you can be invulnerable. So emotion is not a reaction, it is a decision. Peacock said, how did you do it, I have scarred you. No, no one can scar us. The wound will heal and the scar will disappear. Our happiness is always in our own hands. No matter what other people do, they don't become shackles.
In the end, when I returned to my hometown, does anyone think about how the Central Plains were beaten in a mess? It doesn't matter, the mind is calm and harmonious, and everything will naturally come back to life. I love that Po ends up coming home with two boxes of turnips, turnips used to be a complex, and now it's unraveled. He said, I am your son. It seems that I have returned to the original point, but it is actually very different. I can start a happy life.
You see, this can really be a psychotherapy story.

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Kung Fu Panda 2 quotes

  • Wolf Boss: Spread out! Search everywhere!

    Wolf: What about over there?

    Wolf Boss: Is "there" a part of "everywhere"?

    Wolf: Uh, I guess.

    Wolf Boss: [shouts] Then search there!

  • Po: Dad, there's something you should know. While I was gone, I found the village where I was born. I found out how I ended up in that radish basket.

    Mr. Ping: You did?

    Po: I know who I am.

    Mr. Ping: [nervously] You do?

    Po: ...I'm your son.

    Mr. Ping: Oh...

    Po: [picks him up and hugs him] I love you, Dad.

    Mr. Ping: I love you too, son.