Electra, I'm looking forward to the sequel anyway

Alivia 2022-03-21 09:01:21

When I saw "The Expendables" in the movie theater, the blood-sucking feeling lingered for three days, and I was excited for several days. And quickly began to look forward to the appearance of the sequel, but there is still no movement, which is really annoying. To say that "The Expendables" has gathered, in addition to Stallone, there are still a group of action actors who are still active in the first and second tier of Hollywood. In "Red Flames", Paul's actors are all grandfather-level actors. Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, John Malkovich, Morgan Freeman are all old actors, and they are all Old without exception.

But "Red Flame Battlefield" still brings the same vigor and intensity as "The Expendables", not to mention that many of these actors were not born action actors originally. Except for the old rose, Helen Mirren, who is an old lady and suddenly became popular in her later years, other actors have been in Hollywood for a long time, such as John Malkovich and Morgan Freeman. Acting, although no protagonist has ever played an exciting role, but the golden supporting roles, in many movies, they are always seen in different images, and they are all unique and perfect, and they perform superbly. their role. And although Bruce Willis is getting old now and gradually receding from the front line, he still has a good performance with occasional tossing.

Now, gather these individual actors to perform a hot action drama. Before watching the film, the good impression of the cast already exists. And seeing him (her) perform with all their physical strength, in this process, what they can do is to be conquered, and then fall in love with them like Electra (Electra). Moreover, as soon as I finished watching it, I started to look forward to the sequel. The equally ferocious "The Expendables" has already said that it will shoot a sequel, and there may be more tough guys included, and more flesh and blood will fly. And "Red Flame Battlefield" has no more news, whether the sequel is shot or not is just some vague news, only that the sequel may be shot according to the trend, and the screenwriters Joe Hober and Erich Hober brothers Will continue to write the script for the sequel, and the director and actor candidates, whether the original cast will return is unknown. Well, if you keep waiting, the actors will get older, and if you wait another year, there will be more variables.

Moreover, as a comic adaptation, the fierce battle between DC and Marvel, the two comic giants, is becoming more and more fierce. In the next two years, "Justice League" and "Avengers" will be launched respectively. Moreover, on the whole, DC, which owns Superman and Batman, seems to be a little weaker. Except for Superman and Spaceman, there are not many superheroes that can be drawn, and its "Justice League" is also better than "The Avengers" is later, including superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash and other popular comic characters under DC. With the exception of Green Lantern, who will be on the screen this year, Wonder Woman and The Flash are not well known to the public outside of Hollywood. And "Red Flame Battlefield", as one of DC's comics, has sung the battle song in the first song, so there is no reason to be left behind. It's just that DC seems to be missing a bit of strategy when it comes to launching its comic book characters. It's not like Marvel. In the past 10 years, Spider-Man, Hulk and Iron Man have been launched, and this year, Thor and Captain America have been launched. As these characters are launched one by one, these heroes will be released accordingly. The inclusion of The Avengers was also released in May 2012. A complete strategy is very effective for the development of film and television and the expectations of the audience. DC, on the other hand, should learn from its competitors. In this case, like "Red Flame Battlefield", it doesn't seem to be thrown out so casually, and then there is no movement.

Well, almost all of the above has nothing to do with the content of the movie, only the information on the periphery of the movie. Then, let's talk about the movie. As the first male protagonist, Bruce Willis has an old tree and new flowers. He fell in love with a loli who was younger than himself, and at the same time troubled his upper body, and someone wanted to kill them. This stemmed from their original mission in North Korea. An official at the time wanted to run for president now. He didn't want people to know his past story, so he wanted to kill all those who knew the inside story. The special forces united against the current vice president and the various characters he photographed. Then is how the flesh and blood flew. Moreover, this process is also full of various comedy elements.

Then, it is to make people miss the sequel after watching it, or our Electra (Oedipus) is sick and can't take it.

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RED quotes

  • Joe Matheson: We're gettin' the band back together.

  • [Frank calls Cooper on the phone; Cooper is told to stall him while the call is traced]

    Frank Moses: Here's the thing, Cooper. With age... comes a certain perspective. I'd be a liar if I said there wasn't a time when I was exactly like you. Blind ambition. Misplaced trust.

    William Cooper: Why are you telling me this?

    Frank Moses: It may help me to decide what to do next.

    Interrogation Surveillance Tech: [technician tracing the call whispering to Cooper] Just keep it going.

    William Cooper: Why? What are you thinking about?

    Frank Moses: Our business is a very hard one. But it was never the, uh... the killing or the stress, the bad pay that bothered me.

    William Cooper: Well, what was it, Frank?

    Frank Moses: It's how anything that you love... can be taken away from you. It taught me never to care. Never to invest. Then I met this woman. Sarah. And now you have her. Now I can't think of anything more horrible than to know that your enemies can hurt someone you love. The feeling is almost indescribable.

    [the trace completes, and the technician hands Cooper a printout]

    Frank Moses: You still there, Cooper?

    William Cooper: [horrified] You're at my house

    [Frank looks out the window into the yard where Cooper's wife and two children, unaware, are playing]

    Frank Moses: Almost indescribable, isn't it?

    William Cooper: [whispering] Please... Please don't hurt my family.

    Frank Moses: If anything happens to Sarah, I will rip everything you love out of your life. And then I'll kill you.