"Nothing in return": Animal sentimentality after sex

Abby 2022-03-15 09:01:03

"We can have sex, anytime, day or night. But that's all." This is the wonderful relationship between the hero and heroine of the movie "No Reward" - in China, such a relationship is referred to as "friends with guns". If a good friend becomes a gun buddy, is it possible to become a real boyfriend and girlfriend in the end? The movie "No Reward" posed such a question for us, and then used a romantic or even cliché plot to give a perfect ending.

As a "small film" with an investment of only 20 million US dollars, the biggest attraction of "Don't Look Back" is "seductive" - ​​the male and female protagonists are respectively starred by Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman, who are popular in Hollywood. , Although the two people in this film do not seem to be special calls, but the combination will definitely attract a large number of fans. Besides, we have experienced Natalie Portman's complex and profound performance in "Black Swan", and it is a good adjustment to watch this refreshing romantic film.

Don't expect this film to have much depth, even compared with the same type of romantic literary films, "Don't Look Back" didn't want to be the best among them, as long as you complete an eye-catching little trouble, you will be satisfied. The poster of the movie is amazing, but the plot is not new, it can even be said to be cliché - Adam played by Ashton Kutcher and Emma played by Natalie Portman are a pair of good friends. A relationship happened by mistake, and then he simply became a pure friend who "talks about sex without talking about love". During the process of getting along, the male protagonist irresistibly fell in love with the female protagonist, but the female protagonist resolutely did not agree to let this "friends" relationship change because of the fear of being hurt, so the two began to entangle endlessly... The

audience should With a completely relaxed attitude to enjoy this film, although the plot is not disturbed, the two leading actors still gave good performances. As a handsome young man in Hollywood and Demi Moore's young husband, Ashton Kutcher interprets the handsome, cute and a little silly hero Adam in this film. At the beginning of the film, he shouted at his father with a bad face " You fucked my ex-girlfriend", and then he turned from sex to love for Natalie Portman, the helplessness and vulnerability of being hurt, and finally a deep and tearful confession "If you get closer, I will I'll never let you go again", which definitely won the hearts of a large number of fans.

Emma, ​​played by Natalie Portman, is a more tangled character. She yearns for love and is afraid of hurt. In fact, she has secretly developed feelings for the male protagonist for a long time, but her strong sense of insecurity makes her try her best to put on an indifferent attitude. In the face of Adam's pursuit, she is indifferent, even furious, but after all, she can't Resisting her true heart, when Adam walked away disheartened, Emma bravely rushed out to confess to the other party, and finally gained her own love.

Can love and sex be separated? Anyway, in reality, too many people choose to use the name of love to satisfy their pure animal desires. occur.

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No Strings Attached quotes

  • Wallace: Look at my face.

  • Eli: [banging his left fist on Adam's door] I can't focus on my porn with all this real sex going on around me!