Nature is the master of fairness.

Jaime 2022-03-21 09:01:10

Tired of the news that XX tons of oil were found in XX towns; XX tons of natural gas were found in XX oceans; XX planets found rare raw materials in XX.··········
Things are dead, people are alive, no matter how many Resources are also useful for a day. Can you save a little bit? If air conditioning is not used in summer, will it be overheated? Will I freeze to death without heating in winter? Drive less, use less disposable things, and you won’t lose arms or legs.
Take the natural and return to the natural. The former is a natural resource without any processing, the latter is how much waste gas, waste water is dumped into nature.
In "The Day After Acquired", when a hurricane swept the entire city: when a tsunami covered the entire city; when the wind and snow fell on this song city, we can no longer say that the natural creators continue to be silent, it will be angry, retaliate, it will do the other way. Also spearhead.
In a disaster, the homeless man will give his pet dog the only food left in his hand; his son will be invaded in cold water in order to reassure his parents; the survivor can defeat a pack of wild wolves in order to survive; the president of the superpower for the sake of The lives of civilians can sign unequal treaties with neighboring countries; father can walk hundreds of miles in the ice and snow in order to keep his promises... When
disaster strikes, we can't hide from anything, so before then Treat nature well, treat life, treat relatives and friends. If, just if that day comes, be brave!
To borrow a line from "The Day After Day", I have never seen such a clear sky. Of course, this sentence was sent by people after the disaster.

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Extended Reading

The Day After Tomorrow quotes

  • J.D.: Sam, just tell her how you feel.

    Sam Hall: Yeah.

  • News Reporter: If you look over behind me, that's a tornado. Yes! A twister in Los Angeles. It's one of many tornadoes that are destroying our city. There's another one! That's the Los Angeles skyline! It's unbelievable! It's huge! I've never seen anything like that.